Archive for December, 2020

SAY WORD, SUN! (Castlevania)

I made the very regrettable decision to watch a little of Castlevania’s season 3.

They made Hector into a total bitch, Sypha is laughing about shitting devil cows, Alucard is fucking 2 random samurai…. it’s worse than I feared.

But it’s nice to know that the fuckers that made this disgraceful abomination they have the audacity to call an “Adaptation” actually have no clue what Castlevania actually is. I think. Why people STILL praise this trash heep series is anyone’s guess. What I want to know is this tradition of giving the task of adapting a series… over to fuckheads who often don’t like or know nothing of the goddamn source material! It happens far too often, and the people working on it never care to do some basic fucking research! Castlevania should be a goddamn adventure series, not a knock off of Game of Thrones, a bunch of disjointed story arcs that get crammed into 30 minute-hour long episodes of melodramatic bullshit!


This should be the Anthem of 2021

We’re still alive after all this shit. That means something.

Merry Christams, peoples.

Goodnight Grandma. Uncles. Cuz.

Oh Fuck No! (Sonic Shitshow 2)

*Later confirmed

No… no… fuck this. It’s too damn early to rape his character even further. After the disgraceful bullshit they done did on Sonic’s character, you KNOW…. Knuckles is absolutely doomed!

There’s also some detail about Amy Rose and even SHADOW appearing in the movie (probably some after credits bullshit for the latter). Amy’s little ass is the last thing we need.

Also, totally called it, btw. The sequel will try to be more like the fucking games unlike the first installment. Time will tell if it bombs like Bayturtles 2 did. And jeez, right? The movie makes money, and then there’s all these announcements for the sequel. Absolutely JACK SHIT… was said about the 2021 game, you know that? This whole year, and absolutely NOTHING… about this new game. That’s not a good sign. Or maybe it is, who knows?

This is my Dilemma too.

Hold on… is he wearing lipstick!?

But yes, as a bastard who constantly rails against videogames just because they are popular or so I’m told, there’s always this nagging little detail that never ceases to discredit me at every turn. One that is inevitably difficult to argue against. Success regardless of the bullshit.

No matter how much mud you sling, no matter how often you try to inform people that “hey, there be some fuckery in this product“, people inevitably buy stuff with blood on their hands because “Fuck you, it’s my money”. Oh that Sonic movie is a sting, now we”ve got rumors of a damn Netflix series based on Baby fucking Sonic. Well if it worked for Baby fucking Yoda…

Unfortunately, it’s this tried and true pattern of behavior that enables paragons of success to constantly abuse their power and money to get away with more and more shit. Ultimately, the reason comes down to a lack of alternatives. EA has Mass Effect. Sega has Sonic the Hedgehog and Phantasy Star Online 2 (FUCKERS!). Konami has Cast-… oh nevermind, we have Bloodstained now. Capcom has Resident Evil (and no one has made a better zombie game than them that’s worth a damn). Tecmo has DOA. Etc. etc.

It seems like all the shitlord companies have exactly what people want, and that is exactly the problem. All the worst people imaginable is holding onto to everything you want, and setting up barriers to prevent people from being able to compete with them. And now with all the Agenda hogwash going through the industry, this’ll be even harder to stomach. And hell, the people who buy this shit do it out of habit, not because of quality. You can go around and ask people why they bought and supported most of these assholes, they’d never be able to give you a solid answer, and that’s the sad part. People don’t even think about why they buy stuff, they just do it, and the industry couldn’t be happier.

I suppose that wouldn’t be fair. You do have the people who legitimately want to take a breather from real life and… not think, so a lot of industry trash is great for that. I guess it’s like this. You grew watching/playing really memorable shit, and then you come to the present where everything is all about focus testing and finding the easiest demographics to exploit. Because that’s what the industry is good for, taking the easy way out and finding “Whales” to take advantage of. But people will buy it anyway, especially now with the pandemic, because… well, you and me are not making anything to take them away from these assholes, so fuck us. That’s ultimately what it comes down to. They buy it because they can. They buy it because there is no other alternative. They buy it because. they need material for youtube reviews. They buy it just because.

The only real solution is to compete with these assholes, but a lot of people are simply incapable or unwilling, so this pattern won’t change anytime soon.

CDPR pusses out in the face of Winnie the Pooh

I don’t know what the game “Devotion” is, but good lord. GOG is supposedly the “morally superior version of Steam” from what I’ve heard years ago, though seeing this stunt, I think that’s about to change. So the developers of Devotion took a jab at Xi Jinping, and the whole game gets pulled from GoG over it.

Lets um… you guys do know what kind of HELL the Earth has been put through as a result of China ALONE, right? The whole pandemic is on their heads, they’ve led to the deaths of untold millions, they’ve denied any wrongdoing on their part, shit involving Black folks that (unfortunately) no one cares about, and now they’re making genetically modified soldiers! But CDPR, you guys want kiss their asses at this point!?

Again, I have to question just how fucking powerful the Chinese are. Anytime you have a discussion on their corruption and fuckery, people INSTANTLY move the conversation away from them. Oh they were the talk of the town when it came to the Hong Kong protests, but when regarding this virus or how much sway they have with entire nations, nobody wants to touch the issue. Our very lives have changed as a result of what the CCP has done… and yet, corporations are STILL kowtowing to them. And now the bastards at Nintendo have teamed up with fucking Tencent of all people.

According to the article, the developers of Devotion are Taiwanese. I wonder, did Dusk Diver get banned from China? Seems like the kind of bullshit Pooh would pull.

Meh… one more review before this shitty year is over.

Panel De Pon is awesome. One of the most awesome Arcade Puzzle games ever made. I feel the need to distinguish Puzzles by Arcade and Computer Centric definitions because then, people will try to use that as a means of labeling me a hypocrite.

Anywho, I’m not exactly a huge fan of Arcade Puzzle games aside from the aforementioned Panel De Pon. AKA Tetris Attack, AKA Pokemon Puzzle League. The problem with Panel De Pon is that it is a Nintendo property and thus, has no place outside of Nintendo consoles. And because it’s Nintendo, they also neglect the shit out of this series in favor of pornographic Fire Emblem and dog shit like Animal Crossing. Indeed I have a soft spot for Bust a Move and Magical Drop 3, but these types of games are few and far between, and the mobile puzzlers are just variations of tired ass Candy Crush.So what’s a fan of Panel De Pon to do when the one Arcade Puzzler you actually like is in the hands of a company that has gone full shitlord? I suppose Puzzle and Dragon would be fine if it wasn’t so grindy OR if my 2DS didn’t die on me. Or I can just fuck off to my Wii and continue playing Tetris Party or play emulators for Tetris Attack and Pokemon Puzzle League.

Tetris is one of those games that no one is going to let you shit talk. Because it’s the first Arcade puzzler ever made (to my knowledge), and it was hyper successful, and… well… yeah, it’s fine. It’s simple, it’s basic, many of it’s iterations don’t bother to innovate because there’s no need to fix what isn’t broken. The problem with that is that Tetris has never evolved to a point where it could work as some sort of crossover with any other puzzle game. Then again, why the fuck would anyone care about crossing over 2 puzzle games!? Especially since one of them has world wide recognition… and the other is niche incarnate because… Sega of Japan.

The very concept of crossing over 2 different puzzle games is unworkable (and frankly stupid) because puzzle games are exclusively focused on gameplay. They exist, you might use them to pass the time, but to take them seriously in any shape or form is inherently stupid. All this game does is marry 2 different forms of gameplay to each other, and acting like that is a big fucking deal. It might be for Sega because it’s just their way of latching on to a more well-known property to dig their franchise out of the void of absolute obscurity without having to use a certain mad scientist from a really bad adaptation to do the deed. I can already hear the cries of Puyo fans who will scream about their tournament and ultra competitive scenes that literally no one could give 2 shits about. Puyo Puyo absolutely sucks. It sucked when it was called “Mean Bean Machine”, and it still sucks now even when Sega tried to make Puyo Puyo more powerful than Tetris.

PPT is a perfect example of what happens when you blend together 2 completely incompatible games, and in the process completely ruins what fun you could have in one of them over the other. You wanna have fun? Play Tetris. You want to actually win? Play Puyo. There is no concept of balance between the 2. Considering I have no internet nor anyone outside of my annoying sister who would want to play this game, it’s fun factor is nonexistent until you completely drop playing Tetris altogether. Playing Tetris is not fun in this game. Tetris was, is, and forever will be built as a single player experience. While Tetris Party worked fine as a multiplayer experience, there’s a reason why it does vs PPT. In TP, garbage (shit you use to harrass other players in puzzle vs games in case you didn’t know for w/e reason) is randomly distributed between all players. This means that should one asshole constantly do successive chains of line clears, no one person will get overwhelmed. That, and TP’s modes focus on outperforming your opponents through various challenges. Not successive combos and chains. The developers of Tetris Party understood that Tetris was not built to be a competitive puzzle game, thus the emphasis on attacking other players was simply not there.

On the other hand, Sega treated Tetris and Puyo as one and the same, and it completely fucks up the Tetris side of things. Lets get one thing clear. Tetris is a survival game first and foremost. The goal is to clear lines and make sure you don’t top out. That’s it. The game was built to challenge how well you can manage randomly generated shapes into certain confines so that you don’t lose too soon. It’s old school that way. So because of that, there’s no guaranteed function in which any piece you get is guaranteed to help you attack other players. Yet, for some stupid reason, Sega expects you to play Tetris like Puyo Puyo. Puyo Puyo is a game of meticulous color placement where you can fire off continuous chains so that you completely destroy your opponent. You have 4-5 colors, you can place them anywhere, but most importantly, you have to set them up in a way that allows you to get combos. Combos and shit allow you to dump garbage onto your opponent and completely interrupt their flow of color management. The game was deliberately built (or evolved) with competition in mind.

These are incompatible puzzle games for this exact reason. If you’re a Tetris Player, and you get into some shit with Puyo Players, you are going to be raped to crumbs and there’s not a damn thing you can do to stop it. Puyo is built for garbage dumping madness. Tetris is not. Thus Tetris loses 5-10 most of the time. It is that slanted. It’s like playing Street Fighter 2 Champion Edition, but your opponent is playing Streets of Rage 3. The SOR3 player has a significant advantage because they have access to moves like sidestepping, weapons, and a special move with invincibility frames. Puyo players can force Tetris players into a top out if they’re really fucking good. But at best, Tetris cannot respond in kind. You can’t set up a Tetris for multiple chains. And even if you do manage to fire off multiple Tetris chains, lets be real. That Puyo player won’t break a sweat for 2 reasons.

1. Tetris’s Garbage amount for successive chains is piss weak while Puyo’s Garbage amount is shit strong.
2. Puyo players have a much easier and more effective means of countering. IE clearing colors and garbage out before garbage is dumped on them, completely negating garbage altogether.

Tetris players don’t have this luxury because the RNG for them is an even greater foe the the person they’re actually playing with. Everyone knows that Tetris often screws their players by giving them pieces that are useless and can’t be placed anywhere in a way that isn’t obstructive, so they end up placing it as out of the way as they hopefully can. This can lead to obstructions either way, so the Tetris player has to deal with it. It is not helpful in the slightest. There are far more Tetris shapes than there are Puyo colors, meaning the Puyo players already have a greater advantage by having less shit to manage. The only strategy that Tetris has to combat this is simply to play as fast as possible… which goes against everything Tetris is even about, and is practically useless with all the advantages that general Puyo play has.

Puyo also works better for the various modes the game has in store. Especially for Party Mode, a game mode where you can utilize randomly generated powerups on the field. Thing is in order to use them, you have to clear colors or lines that are adjacent to the item. Again, the Puyo players have the advantage because they can basically wrap the damn items up in anyway they can, and they’ll be able to fire off any powers they can muster. Tetris players are screwed by RNG again as they have to clear a line where the items appear, meaning they are more dependant on what pieces fall vs the Puyo players. And if you so happen to accidentally block yourself off from the item, then you have to make a mad dash to clear out the blockage which, again, is easier said than done because the RNG has a greater effect on your victory.

In other words, Puyo players have far more control over a match than do Tetris players. All Tetris can really do is downstack as much as possible, and do so as fast as possible. Far be it from me to chalk this up to good ol fashion ethnocentrism on Sega’s part. More so, I see this as sheer incompetence. There is no concept of balance here, and I doubt Sega had the foresight to see the inherent incomparability between the 2 games. Otherwise, they would’ve never developed the game in the first place, and might’ve settled for a crossover with Panel de Pon instead, which would’ve been far more logical (and fun imo). Instead, you have this frankenstein monster of a game that thinks it’s amazing because reasons.

Oh and to pour more salt on, if you wanted to make either the Puyo or Tetris games easier or harder to play, well fuck you too! Puyo has more settings than Tetris. You can set up Garbage margins (w/e the fuck that means) chains needed for a garbage dump, and even the amount of puyos needed to be popped. Tetris only has the options to put on quick drops and Hold mechanics. That’s it. Tetris is so simple and basic that it is even impossible to customize! The best you can do is set the handicaps to the easiest possible setting, but a lot of fucking good that’ll do when the Puyo players literally have more options available to them. Also when the CPU is rape happy.

Honestly, a lot of my personal issues with this game could’ve been fixed with a simple, good ol’ fashioned difficulty slider, but nope! Now you have to sit here and guess which characters are better than others. Generally speaking, if you’re playing Tetris, you’re already fucked, but if you want a moderately easy time (if possible), you just set Ringo and Tee to Tetris settings, and go nuts. And those better be the only opponents you choose because if you choose anyone else, they’ll see that as “bitch raping time” because they will never lose. ESPECIALLY that fucking Bear! Idk why Sega set the CPU difficulty to the highest of heavens, but they’ve made it to where playing against the CPU in any mode outside of story to be thoroughly unpleasant, cheap, and infuriating. You have an entire army of rapists to contend with. Some even literally. You have no way of offsetting the game’s difficulty outside of cheating, and often by having a CPU partner that you can coast off of. Otherwise, you have to be playing the Puyo side if you want to win at anything.

Talking about the story is equally as painful… because it’s honestly the only enjoyable part in the game. It’s as silly and as childish as you can imagine, but w/e. At the very least, there ARE some funny moments that gets an occasional laugh or 2, but it’s largely forgettable. How sad that they had to make up Tetris characters for the game to be considered anything resembling a meaningful match up. And oh of course there’s a goddamn animu school involved with the casual trope of “Power of Friendship”. It is the epitome of excuse plot, and only seems to exist to make Sega’s little characters feel like more than cheap avatars. This also translates to their gameplay. Some of these characters have preset patterns to their color/piece drops. I noticed this when I was trying to play Sig (the guy with the masturbation hand) on Tetris, and I would constantly get the same pieces over and over which weren’t helpful at all, but if I played Ai (the dog scientist), I would get much better pieces. Vice versa for Puyo, but because Puyo has actual options, it’s barely noticable. Also, the game’s “Fusion Mode” (Playing both games at the same time), actually lists out each character’s specific drop patterns. Good luck translating that shit, though. This also factored into Party Mode, but I noticed nothing of difference.

And that’s really it for PPT as far as replay value goes. It’s an arcade game, and it’s replay value is centered on Party style Gameplay. And it utterly fails to captivate. How it got a sequel is anyone’s guess, though seeing that the game is… I guess digital only, and lacks in content and is considered more of the same as the first, it seems unnecessary. That’s resources they could’ve devoted to a Shinobi sequel, but I guess this was cheaper to make.

…… Yeah I know, this isn’t the kind of game I’d review because it’s a bare bones puzzle game, but eh. Kinda hard to review anything now with America’s delivery services getting raped by everything from privatization attempts and people making mass orders. It’s so bad, you can’t even get BILLS paid! Can you believe these assholes literally sat on one of my bills for OVER A MONTH without notification, then I get a late fee attached to this month’s bill, and only after I put a stop payment on that bitch did the post office send me the damn check back! Assholes! All of em!

….Sorry, rambling, but dammit!

WELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL! Seems like the tables have turned for the Disney of Videogames!

Now we see stuff like this popping up all of a sudden! Nintendo has become far more fascist in later months, and the question is… why?

Nintendo has always taken a heavy handed approach to their fans and how they get to worship the fuckers, but they’ve always had a steady supply of brown noses ready to come to their defense. You all know it!


Goddamn that shit made me sick. And it’s about damn time everyone started calling bullshit on them. Perhaps it’s another example of a newer, younger generation coming in who haven’t been poisoned by the addicts of my generation. These asslicking scum of the universe who have enabled the absolute worst behaviors from the gaming industry is finally going the way of the dodo. Time indeed heals more than reason.

None of this precludes Sega from it’s own sins. Afterall, hundreds of youtubers got fucked over years back over Shining Force videos, and they offered no recompense for their handling of that situation. Not to mention I am still furious about how PSO2 was handled, as well as playing the Sonic fandom against each other. But overall, Sega may be an asshole factory, but that seems to be exclusive to the Sonic side of things. When it comes to everything else, yeah Sega is pretty fucking rad! Little to no DLC schemes, games often feel like games and not exercises in torture (sans Puyo Puyo Tetris. FUCK that shit!)… hell, Sega is more of a pure gaming company than Nintendo could be! They don’t try to be anything but a gaming company (sans the restaurants). And they don’t harass their fans over fan projects. But they WILL get you banned from youtube because one of their developerswas a mental case.

But that’s better than an entire company that jacks off to the DMCA. Their lawyers get excited in pushing around their staunchest fans. What is it they’re doing now? DMCAs over Nintendo music in Youtube videos? I do remember onf of yah posting about how they took down a fan project and STOLE THEIR IDEA FOR AN OFFICIAL GAME! That is an asshole move no other Japanese company has ever done, and I don’t think the Nintards can come up with a decent argument to kiss their requisite amount of Famicom ass.

And to cover their worthless asses and ensure their fans loyalty, they put in Sephoroth to sweep the bad PR under the rug! I didn’t know Nintendo was ran by Channel Awesome seeing as that’s the same bitch move they pulled after the #changethechannel movement.

At this point, no gamer worth their soul should ever give any company 100%. Everytime mother fuckers go crazy and praise the shit out of any company and never gives them slack, they become ARROGANT and CORRUPT! We saw this with Capcom, we saw this Capcom again, we saw this with the Titanfall developers, we saw this with Konami, we saw this with Arc Systems Works (no srsly, releasing a game with over 50% of it’s roster as DLC is scummy as shit), we’ve seen it with Gearbox, we’ve seen it with Troy Baker, we’ve seen it with Blizzard, we’re seeing it with Naughtydog, we’ve seen it multiple times with Sony, and damn sure, we are seeing it with Nintendo. This is a sickening pattern. Gamers have no self-control when it comes to critique or praise, and gaming is hurting because of it. This is why I was saying “don’t get comfortable praising Wayforward or the Shantae series so much, it’s only going to embolden them”. You need to be even… fucking… harsher. They are corruption incarnate.

Speaking of Naughtydog, no it hasn’t escaped me that their LGBT simulator “The Last of Us Part boo” won game of the year for no other reason than to support their agenda. I’ve never understood the whole mantra of “GOTY” outside of being a cheap marketing gimmick, but LOU2 winning goty doesn’t really bother me. GOTY is, in the end, a meaningless title. Especially for a year that is nothing but bad news. Being GOTY in 2020 is nothing to be proud of, you get to sit right next to the fucking Sonic movie as some of the so-called best entertainment of an apocalyptic year where people are too sick and insane as it is to give 2/5ths of a fuck about struggling lesbians. It’s an act of desperation to credentialize the LGBT lifestyle, and it couldn’t come at the worst time.

Besides, GOTY really belongs to Streets of Rage 4 for being the ONLY enjoyable new release in the whole damn year! 😛

An Interesting Convo (Sonic)

Aww jeez, Nintendo is fucking with people who like Smash Melee… again…

So I was back in the depths of misery as I browsed Sonic Twitter for the latest in fuckery… but I found nothing that would force one to hold their noses. Rather, I found one thread that is like fresh cut… idk, dandelions? Do they have a smell?

Ahem… he forgot “Sparker the Clown” or… w/e the fuck it’s called, and Freedom Planet.

But what’s interesting is the point where he talks about the fandom not making demandsand wasting time beefing with each other.

Funny. I thought I was the only one who saw this as a problem.

Most fandom discussion is centered on those comics and talking about who makes a better sex partner for Sonic, but you know what else has been going on? Sonic fans trying to condition other Sonic fans to NOT… demand anything! Everyone knows about the whole Rally4Sally thing, no? But what had gone on unsaid was the amount of vitriol the movement has been getting. Many fans shouting them down about how it’s never going to work, why they waste their time begging for a character to be in a game (a mobile game at that). Just a few days back, I had seen posts talking about how the fans need to make actual demands than to just let Sega have their way all the time, and you got mother fuckers talking about “Yeah, good luck with that“. Idk where the fandom got this crab in a bucket mentality from, but it’s not good enough to merely expect nothing, naw, they are outright DISCOURAGING people from making demands!

The fans seem to be motivated and energized… out of spite for other fans. They wake up wanting to shit on the other fans within the base. The very idea of having any sort of demand or expectation for the Sonic franchise is something that the fans are now conditioned to mock and ridicule.

As always, this is a 50/50 type of deal, there’s some mild legitimacy to this behavior. Again, from Sonic 06 and up, people were just extra when it came to bitching about Sonic’s quality back in those days (again with mild legitimacy). But overall? To expect nothing? To demand nothing? I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. If you put money into the franchise, whether you’ve bought something or literally invested in the production of the series (which is unlikely, yes), then… fuck that noise, I’m entitled to SOMETHING, dammit! That’s not an attitude that anyone should have towards anything you put money into. Money is not something you want to just throw away on any damn thing, it’s a tool of getting what you want or need. And with this pandemic costing people jobs and homes, it’s far too valuable to leave to chance. If you had a long term investment into the series, you need to speak… the fuck…. up! Cause what this guy was talking about, yeah he’s right. And I share a good portion of the blame too. Stop dealing with these dipshits who run around, don’t know anything worth a damn about this franchise, and go to the people who actually work on it. Rall4Sally, stop with the hashtag bullshit and go to Sega themselves with your demands. I see that movement has slowed down, it’s damn near over! Remember what these people said. They wanna PROVE to the fans that THEY… ARE…. LISTENING!

Remember that? If they’re actually LISTENING, you need to OPEN YOUR MOUTHS TO THEM, and tell them you want that Acorn bitch in Sonic Forces Speed… w/e. If they ignore you, hold their asses accountable, and see that they are labeled as snakes and liars, and what may have you. Do NOT go ignored and do not let these fuckers shout you down.

The other part is also something that needs to be addressed. The bit about “no one is trying to compete with Sonic or fill in a void”. That’s not entirely accurate. Like I said before, you got Sparkster (no, that’s Rocketknight)… wth is it? Spark the Jester? And you got Freedom Planet. But for the most part, yeah, these are not going to fill in the voids left by the likes of Sonic, Star Fox…. well there’s that new Ratchet and Clank game coming out, maybe that’ll do something unlike Crash 4 (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA), but directly competing with Sonic? Yeah, no one is doing that. I doubt competition would motivate Sega to actually make better Sonic games (nothing seems to motivate them to do ANYTHING, hell they keep outsourcing their content because they’re so sick of working on their own franchises!). Oh dear, that’s me being discouraging, isn’t it? I suppose that comes with age. The point is you need other avenues. Sparky and Freedom Planet is nice, but you need more. And not just “more Sonic-like gameplay”, you need the full package! Bloodstained is everything Castlevania is and more, Axiom Verge is straight up a successor to Metroid, I guess…. Shantae is ok…. maybe…. Gunvolt is a good Mega Man substitute. But you know what all of these things have in common? THE CONTENT TO MATCH IT UP! The thing I see with Freedom Planet and Sparky is just the gameplay. I’m looking at the characters though. They look basic and rather dry! Just sayin! Freedom Planet looks like it was made for girls or fans of the Winx Club who just so happened to be fans of my Little Pony. I’m just sayin! I ain’t trying to be mean or anything, but it don’t look like no competition for Sonic outside of gameplay reasons. And I’ve always said that there’s more to a videogame than it’s gameplay! It needs to be attractive. Same thing for Spark the Thunder Jester, am I getting the name right? First off, that fucking NAME! “Spark… the Jester”. Maybe something like “Jester Surge” or “Joker Surge” or… hell, “BOBO Surge!” HAHAHAHA! Bobo Surge, I should trademark that shit! I… ahem…

Secondly, the design looks like a mutation of something from Dr. Robotnik’s Mean Bean Machine, like you got 2 yellow Puyo’s locked together with some stick legs and a clown hat, and there’s your character. You gotta think about it, how many redesigns did Sonic Team go through before they got to a design that they knew would attract people to the games?

Yeah I get it, it’s an indie game, and it was probably more cost effective to have a cheaper character design in the game engine or… w/e. And for all intents and purposes, he or she wasn’t looking to compete against Sonic, that’s fine. But people have recommended these 2 games in particular as alternatives for Sonic, and they’re fine as distractions, but unless they come out with some stellar content, they won’t be anything more than distractions.

See, Bloodstained? Pff, fuck Castlevania and Konami, I don’t need them anymore!So I haven’t paid Konami or Castlevania any real mind outside of that bastardized cartoon. And that’s how it should work! Now if Iga releases physical versions of those 8bit games, then we’re gold! I’m still waiting on a proper Star Fox replacement. Axiom Verge makes Metroid a non issue. I’ve actually SEEN people try to fill the void left by F-Zero (and… they fail, but there’s fucking effort like the FAST series and GRIP). Mega Man, I got Gunvolt (now if there’s a damn PS4 release of their latest game…). Custom Robo… well, there was that one LBX game (godDAMN it was amazing!). I’m STILL waiting on a replacement for Sonic. Fangames are not gonna cut it.

But maybe that’s the thing. Maybe people don’t find it worth the trouble. Sonic has been popular for everything that was wrong with it. And I mean that quite literally, it’s fame comes from how terrible it is now, and that is so ass backwards it’s not even funny.

Good Riddance (Net Neutrality)

But now the question remains. Will his policies die along with his leave?

Knowing how America works, he’ll just be replaced with another scumbag who will uphold his vote.

Ah well, short term celebration is short term.

How the hell do you convert a PDF to EPUB without ruining the format!? It’s pissing me off!!!!