Archive for July, 2022

The Woke Wars

Time to lose the last few readers I have left…

Young Rippa has found success with his brand new indie comic company, “Rippaverse”. Naming conventions aside, congratulations! Time to show these industry bastards how to make some real content!

Those would be my thoughts. Rippa went on to talk about how he planned to compete against the likes of Batman, Spiderman, and all other shit that’s gone down the drain as a result of “trying to appeal to zoomers” or whatever else prompted them to completely ruin these beloved characters for one reason or another. But… here’s the thing. I see this news story pop up… on Fox News, and that’s a red flag as far as I’m concerned. Fox, as we all know, is owned by Disney, the very devils that are responsible for the ruination of Spiderman amongst a whole litany of quote “woke” agenda being perpetuated in Marvel comics (in the end, Disney has final say). So… Rippa is competing against Disney in this regard, and I doubt Disney or any subsidiary under them is completely unaware of this. So my question is… why would Fox, owned by Disney, give Rippa any publicity? Competition in this regard would demand that you take attention *away* from the competition because you are battling for readers. The last thing you want to do is convince your audience to go and read someone else’s comics when you have your own to sell, and that someone’s goal is to compete against you for readers.
Now I’m sure people will contend that Disney doesn’t really care about their own comics and just focuses on the movies and tv shows, and that’s a fair argument. But what if Rippa gets big enough to compete on those fronts? Disney would be indirectly responsible for getting him that much attention (and money) by giving him a platform for more profit and more avenues.
Furthermore, Rippa was being promoted as “non-woke” comic company. That boggles my mind because hey, Disney is “all about the woke”. So why in Amma’s name would they promote someone who is against their interests?

I’m not going to go the route of “controlled opposition”, because I like Rippa. Definitely a recommended channel especially in regards to the narc shit that was going down last year, but him being featured on Fox is extremely suspect. As though he were being used to further the interests of Disney or the establishment. Afterall, he was paraded as being “non-woke”.

The last 2 years have had a lot of focus on “wokeness” to the point of exhaustion, so much so that I had to go cold turkey from the internet altogether for the better portion of this year. A lot of that came from “The Batman” fiasco. The Batman was one of the few movies I actually enjoyed. It was a bright spot, a light in the distance, in a sea of crap and ruination of beloved characters that people have unusually decided to become sycophants for (Sonic and Robotnik primarily, but mainly Spiderman), and I felt like perhaps there’s still some good left in the world of entertainment. But low and behold, the internet had to ruin that as well. Zoe Kravitz wouldn’t be my first choice to play Catwoman, but neither would Robert Patterson for Batman as he’s just a wee bit too small (I actually think he’d make a decent Leon Kennedy for a proper Resident Evil movie, wouldn’t you guys?), but they both manage to do a decent job in their roles, the more grounded world of the movie benefits them more than otherwise, but… all that comes to a screeching halt when Catwoman goes “all this city cares about are these white priviledged people”, and man, you’d think it was the Jax Ending all over again. Course the difference is you didn’t have the option to avoid the dialog like you would a videogame ending. With the mild outrage expressed by the usual suspects, I’m surprised Ron De’Rangetos didn’t put forth a lawsuit for Warner Bros. You had people talking about how it “took them out of the movie”, some talked about how the movie “demonized white people”, and I’m like “good lord! I reviewed that Power Rangers movie years ago, thinking how everyone had to be united by (black) billy getting killed being subtext, and as retarded as that sounded, I sound RATIONAL compared to these guys!” Because of that one line, the WHOLE DAMN MOVIE was demonizing white people. Jax’s ending was Warner Bros promoting White genocide, Warner Bros is going to be on everyone’s shit list by the time America falls, I swear.

So you know, I had to block this shit out. “I don’t need this”. Admittedly, this wasn’t the only reason I went AWOL (MHW addiction, killed by Iceborne’s shittiness), but it was probably the main reason. The internet is hyper obsessed with the culture war, obsessed with defeating “wokeness” that all other activity must STOP until the war is won. Wokeness is the greatest evil to ever curse the entertainment industry as well as politics and SJWs and every other piece of jargon Americans can think of to be “outraged” over because most of us have nothing better to do like preserving population numbers (which is likely why there’s so much yt outrage)

First off, since when did “wokeness” actually refer to forced representation of different groups? Originally, it pertained to Black people being aware of the shit that this country (and others) have done and continue to put us through. As far as I can tell, it’s just another black thing that white folks appropiated, redefined, and “included” everything else under it’s label. Women and minorities taking over roles from the white guys is no longer “SJW” but is “woke”. Couple of years back, I had made a statement that “people flip shit to mean any goddamn thing they want”. Good lord, I did not think I would be vindicated in as little as 2 years! I don’t even hear “SJW” being thrown around anymore! But that’s exactly the point. The… “establishment” (which includes outrage youtube echo chambers) took black verbiage and misapplied it to SJWism as a means to conflate awareness of black issues with forced overrepresentation in media. Not a single person can actually describe what’s so woke about “Captain Marvel” based on it’s original application simply because there is no connection. Woke is just a buzzword these bastards use, much like “politics”, without actually knowing what the word means. Captain Marvel is “feminism”, not “woke”. This always seems to be a thing, (yt) people always conflate black issues with women’s rights or gay rights or some other bullshit so they can excuse themselves and divert their attention away from black issues so as to further ignore and perpetuate them. So in reality, what’s really going on is that people are speaking out against wokeness, IE speaking against awareness of black issues, without even knowing it (or caring since… “fuck ni***rs anyway” right?). Part of me believes this all came about from the George Floyd riots (notice how police are starting to get more convictions lately, but oh no, the riots were just senseless violence), hench the increased backlash and misapplication of the term. Much like the LA Riots, Yt folks saw the summer of love as a loss. So now they’ve gone on a war of deception by taking black verbiage and making it an umbrella term for all things SJW, overrepresentation and all. People like Anomaly Inc. freely uses it to describe Phase 4 of the declining MCU. Sorry, “M-She-U” (It’s called “Feminism”, you dolt)

All I can think is that if the Boondocks was made today, it would never be as popular as it was. Or the X-Men for that matter. Boondocks was one of the “wokest” cartoons of the late 2000s, and was one of the most beloved shows ever created. I can’t imagine it being made today and doing half as well as it did. But this was made during a time when Black Issues weren’t exactly at the forefront of American discussion, they were still mostly backroom talks where all we did was vent about the shit. Now? Boondocks would be considered “overkill” since there is actual fighting going on. The difference that I’m seeing is that… we’ve had “woke” shit for years. The difference is that now people are “acting” rather than “thinking and talking”. The yt power structure is being challenged daily, the status quo is crumbling, and the demographics are shifting. Key on that last part. I’ve seen a lot of reports (mileage may vary on accuracy) about how yt population numbers are on a decline (considering all the mass shootings, sounds about right), and for a while, I saw the “overrepresention” outrage as a reflection of those shifting demographics. So the kind of shit we’ve had before without complaint, NOW it’s a problem because the status quo is being challenged! Female versions of popular male characters, no one hated them until now. Black versions of popular white characters, I’m sure there was a grumble or 2, but less than what Miles Morales got (probably because he’s part hispanic). But hell, Black Panther was an original black character, and people tried to shit on the massive success of that movie as merely riding the coattails of the MCU (Because No Way Home wasn’t riding the coattails of Raimi and Webb, I’m sure). I’d be more inclined to say the whole “make original black characters” argument is more so license to freely ignore those original characters as they’re brand new and have no base, but well established WHITE characters being turned black (nothing new) well that’s “forcing us to pay attention to them, and we don’t want that!”

But I digress. This whole “anti-woke” movement, Ronny’s “Stop Woke Act” where he’s threatening the jobs and financial well being of teachers, it’s all in response the fact that the status quo is being challenged. So they have to make “woke” an all encompassing umbrella term for everything they despise about modern entertainment so as to discourage people from taking on a similar mindset. And you know for everything Yt people want to do, they have to put a black face on it. I have no doubt that they want to use Rippa in this regard since they mostly talk about him being “Anti-Woke”. Nevermind that he’s competing against the likes Marvel which is against Disney’s interest so the publicity is counter-intuitive as all fuck, but when you have a war to win, sacrifices must be made.

One thing that you will notice amongst the echo chambers of youtube is they use “success” as a form of intimidation. Because people want success above all else. I’ve said it before that the Entertainment industry is deliberately making SJW (bad representation) content with the explicit intent of undermining the very concept of “representation” at all. Taking established characters and established stories out of their original context to “push the narrative” is done to make the very notion of “representation” unworkable and undesirable. So when we get to these success stories, they can say “Hey libtard/democrat/rightist/SJW/woke bitch/whatever the fuck broad jargon we use, you wanna make content featuring characters that tackle the internal problems of American Society and Government, well you better think again! You’ll never reach the heights of these guys over here if you plan on being super woke!” That was the idea behind the slogan “get woke, go broke“. But wait. Boondocks was woke. Chappelle’s show was woke. Fresh Prince was woke. Black Panther was woke. Hell if you want to go there, NIKE was woke for a while, woke enough to cause a minister to cut up a nike head band in a church. They all found success despite their wokeness.

But that’s because 3 of those things are popular because they’re comedies, and one of them was attached to the MCU!

So you can find success despite being “woke”?


See, the actual issue is that all of the examples I mentioned go into REAL problems that are “naturally” brought to people’s attention. A lot of “issues” brought up in mainstream comics aren’t massive issues, but are forced into the discussion “inorganically“. It doesn’t feel natural to the stories at all, and oftentimes goes against the characters themselves for a forced narrative that is clumsily weaved into the universe (That He-Man show definitely applies). That isn’t “woke” at all, that is but a parody. The idea that people should find any problem with American society is “laughable”, but is done in a context that is subtle, and the reaction comes strictly from the audiences instead. Thus the audience (and accompanying influencers on youtube) become the mouthpieces for that idea. A very devious form of “social engineering” that people did not pick up on.

This is how you get these hyper-aggressive outrage influencers on youtube who go on multiple self-congradulatory dick swinging festivels where they literally jerk themselves off by pwning ignorant college students in intellectual debates. The idea is to show one side of a…. “debate” as being successful consistently while showing the other side as being perpetual losers. Then they conflated that with “wokeness” so that the perpetual losers would be mixed in with Black issues. Somehow, everything gets looped back to black people eventually, like the SJW operation was a trial run to dismantle black arguments without actual engagement. “We gotta demonize wokeness because the ni***rs are getting woker by the day!” The showing of force, of ownership in debates, and of success of “anti-woke” content are all intimidation tactics. By the way they’re presenting their anti-woke platform, they’re trying to convey a message of strength by whatever means necessary, NOT towards the industries that produce the quote “woke” content that they despise so much, but to discourage similar patterns of thinking in regular individuals. Corporations will do whatever they please because they’re too big to fail and haven’t given a fuck about audiences for years.

Now don’t take this the wrong way, but what I’ve started to notice, particularly when it comes to american (yt) audiences, they operate more so on Principal than they ever have on Preferences. They often talk about not supporting companies that put out Woke (read-SJW) content, but will instead put their money towards indie creators who do not make said woke (SJW) content. And a LOT of indie “non-woke” creators have blown up as a result! When I watched discussions of these non-woke things (like Kamen America), the discussion of actual “quality” never came up. It was the “success” that was important. The success would be an automatic declaration of quality. Yes, feel free to call me a hypocrite. I’ve earned such ire. But continuing, they only talked about the fact that this shit was successful. So what’s being conveyed here is that people… don’t actually care about the quality, they care enough to send a message. We’ve long determined that the money isn’t important to the entertainment industry anymore, so it’s a failed gesture of power, but these… “lunatics” are so desperate to prove a point, they will shit out money for anyone that doesn’t make woke content. And that’s how you get to these success stories.

So what I’m seeing is a skewing of the message. Mainstream comics aren’t bad because the stories are crap, they’re bad because of their messages. That’s what’s actually being conveyed. You could make a damn good story with lovable characters all damn day, but the moment you go woke, everything sucks (or so they want you to think). They still like the The Batman movie, but they didn’t know how to take the “White Priviledge” thing, like do they eviscerate the movie or do they give it the benefit of the doubt? That’s the problem. Because they’re so desperate to “destroy the bastion of wokeness“, they’re actually perpetuating a problem with modern entertainment. You don’t need actual quality to be successful. You just need some sort of gimmick. Either you focus strictly on comedy, special effects, cameos from other movies, or in this case, just being “non-woke”. One of yahs was shocked that I didn’t give Venom 2 it’s dues since it “defeated Wokeness” or something, but the truth is I couldn’t give a fuck. Venom 2 was a shit movie that ruined Carnage and had to remind me of that pipsqueak they dare call a “Spider-Man” or “Nathan Drake”. But that’s the problem! We’ve flipped the standards of entertainment based strictly on principals rather than preferences! You’ll support Venom 2 because it beat out the… the gays or some shit, idk. You’ll support the piece of shit Sonic movies because of a character design change OR because it angered Angered SJWs in regards to the Harley Quinn Birds or whatever the fuck it was called, WE DON’T CARE ABOUT QUALITY! We care about whether or not the shit has a political message to ignore and just “be a movie”. Where in Amma’s name are the standards in that!? We are comfortable in the destruction of further quality so long as it doesn’t have politics or wokeness or whatever Jargon dictionary these dipshits can pull out of their asses to describe what they don’t like.

And why is that? Why is quality and substance no longer viable factors of success? This ain’t like the old days where gimmicks still existed, people still wanted good movies, but nowadays, being good isn’t important at all. Now success is predicated strictly on whether or not the work is “woke”? I’d wager that this has more to do with, again, the yt power structure. You see… “Wokeness”, in it’s proper context, focuses on and criticizes the yt supremacist power structure of America that harms Black People by design. SJWism is an exaggeration and fabrication of problems created by American (YT) Culture that places constraints on the society as a whole. Legitimate or otherwise, both concepts are a critique of Yt People as Yt people are the weavers of American and European society. Things do not move without the say so of Yt people. If you are non-yt and want a change in the society, you’re fighting an uphill battle without a significant level of “force”, this was proven with the George Floyd riots of 2020 that they’re still pissed off about. A power structure of any sort is unfeasible without some form of legitimacy. Yt people have a media apparatus that constantly gives them that form of legitimacy. Through imagery, they can weave the message that Yt people are the wisest, most level headed, and most rational people in the world while all others are too emotional to make the tough choices. They’re the better fighters, they’re the better tacticians, and they’re the most moral people you could find. This engineers the society to see yt people as the only legitimate group in America. It’s been that way for a while, and only in short bursts does this perception get challenged. It’s very difficult to challenge those that you have been, to put it bluntly, “mind fucked” into believing is righteous and legitimate as you’ll be looking to them to validate your arguments as well.
What’s been happening lately, however, is a consistent, decade long, push back against this form of engineering. Nowadays, Yt people are no longer seen as “exclusively” legitimate. We have a whole litany of “diverse” imagery being infused, whether naturally or by force, into popular media, while Yt culture, yt people, are being criticized constantly. Now this shouldn’t be considered “wrong”. No one group wants to be singled out and chastised for their cultural failings.

But… here’s the thing. Boondocks and Black Panther, both “woke” productions… had FAR MORE CRITICISM for black people than they ever did for white people! And Black People STILL love those works! It doesn’t bother us that Aaron McGruder is far more critical of black people than otherwise, even wanting to make a damn Uncle Ruckus movie (praise Amma THAT didn’t happen), we still watch the shit, and mostly agree with the criticisms that are levied. But… comics and movies that also criticize Yt culture, these are things to be DEMONIZED! Oh no, you are NOT going to levy complaints and criticisms against Yt society! Oh no! I’ve yet to see any tv shows or movies delve into the mass shootings of elementary schools and other areas of activity (mostly because the majority of perps are Yt), and I doubt I ever will. If they exist, my bad. But see, from how Yt audiences are responding to the “influx of SJWism”, the quality isn’t their concern. Never has been, never will be. The fact is that Yt society is being QUESTIONED! Being CRITICIZED! Being CHALLENGED!! Thus, the media they created has gone off course. It’s no longer being used to acclimate people to the acceptence of their power structure, but rather to legitimize and normalize other, marginalized groups in America. This is more so a THREAT to their power structure, because if people see less legitimacy in Yt people, they are less willing to accept what Yt society deems important, deems necessary, etc.

This is where all this outrage is coming from. The knowledge that the status quo is dying, Yt people losing their legitimacy, and other groups basically… “taking over” in their minds. Criticism of Yt society is a loss of power. This pushback of teaching history in schools under the notion that “it makes Yt people feel like shit” is a rather egregious example of this, I don’t know a time when history was supposed to make you feel good about something rather than to learn how the world came to be. This is the outrage. The status quo is dying. And then you got Ron DeRangetos threatening to sue teachers for teaching history, that… that’s teetering on the edges of Fascism, ain’t it? But that’s another tenet of the Power Structure. “Sacrifices are necessary to maintain the power“.

All in all, it’s awesome that Rippa is finding success in his new company. But if Fox(Disney) is parading him around, then make no mistake, his work is useful for their agenda, and we just need to keep an eye on them. Rippa’s a great person and I don’t want this to be the case, but… yah know?! It’s just a little suspicious, on the part of Disney now, that they would give their competition publicity. There’s an ulterior motive going on here, and we just need to keep our radars up.

It really IS slow! (SF6)

I had heard Yoshinori Ono got canned. So… why is it still so slow? Fuck, I played Fighting Ex Layer which looks and feels cheap (well… feels at least), but it’s fast as shit! One of the fastest fighting games I played last gen!

But look how slow SF6 is!! Oh sure it looks smooth until someone gets hit, here comes the hitstun, and then some.

You know for as much shit people give it, the Dead or Alive series (And fucking Bloody Roar) knew something about making fast paced fighters with 3D graphics. But with the exception of SNK perhaps, Capcom (and ASW) can’t seem to get into 3D without slowing down their fighters. This shit is like a slug on acid. And DOA has some damn good animation to boot!

Idk what it is, but Capcom is fucking up with Street Fighter imo.

Funny story. I actually watched the original “Bastard!!” anime sometime in the late 2000s. Or maybe early 2010s. Hell if I can remember. It wasn’t actually the best thing I’ve watched. It was about average. Story made no sense, feels inconclusive, had 2 kano fatalities that I could’ve done without… but nice animation and art direction, better characterization, and a shit load more than I can say for the Netflix reboot. You know, it’s probably more accurate to the Manga or some shit, probably why it’s hyped to the highest of hells. Never read the manga myself (I need some color in my comics, I’m not a fucking hound dog. Sorry not sorry), but if the Netflix toon is that accurate, then shit, the MCU doorknobs have an actual argument to saying “fuck the source material”. But maybe it’s my fault. I watched the OVA first and am used to Dark Schneider having a man’s voice instead of a wannabe Richard Ian Cox. Yoko wasn’t an annoying shit who questions why a little child can’t be more of a man (seriously, bitch!?). Bout the only improvement is Sheila’s design (goddamn they did her justice), but everything else… damn.

But that’s not what gets me. Peep this.

They done bleached the Nei Nei, and Woke ass internet ain’t said shit? Well blow my balls off and tell me Jack Black makes a great Bowser. Can we call this “selective wokeness”? Hahahahahahahaa, goddamn that sounds terrible. But wow, no one caught this? Hell, I don’t think she was ever this damn light in the Manga. I mean… shit, how do you do fair skin in monotone? 😛 I’ve never seen any anime where…. fucking “DARK” elves were this damn pasty. Pirotess from Lodoss? Not a chance! That Assassin bitch from Dungeon Fighter? Nope! Shit, I mean… awkward as it is to say it, being a dark elf should naturally have a distinguishing feature from…. “regular” elves, and this bitch is 2 shades from being Deedlit with hair dye. The Netflix show is bad enough without mindless anime fans licking it’s asshole for being softcore porn, but I find it weird how no one noticed the elephant in the room.

It’s kinda weird pointing this out cause I feel like even mentioning shit like this would be liable to getting chewed out by outrage culture. Shit like this would be considered outrage worthy, but I get the feeling that nowadays, it would be an acceptable practice. But it’s more valid to lose our shit over Catwoman, and we’re letting this shit slip.

My 2 cents

Damned economy is so fucked up in America, you can barely afford to eat! Also, Tyrant Devil Biden got rid of Miranda Rights, so the first step toward a police state was just taken.



Oh lawd…

Having your trailer open up with a message of “Focus on the future, not the past” reeks of Passive Aggression. A common yet lesser known trait of the Japanese.

I’ll admit, they’re not as obnoxious as the west when it comes to responding to criticism. Most of the time. Doesn’t make this any less offensive. People have a right to be pissed that you changed the script so wildly that the story is completely different. It is not unnatural for people to want the same exact stories preserved while giving it a facelift of graphical upgrades to make it more presentable. This is why most people (used to) get pissed at Hollywood remakes for changing stories of material they adapt. The decisions to do so are hardly ever necessary, and are only justified under the fact that it’s been done for so long that people rarely question it anymore. I believe the reason people are allowed to get away with this crap is because most of the people who were fans of this shit back in the day are either dead or too old and stuffed with priorities to give a damn anymore. A convenient excuse, but an unwarranted one nonetheless.

Still, this only seems to be the case for Hollywood Movies. And maybe Netflix (looking at you, Castlevania). For everything else, people still seem to have some standards here and there. There was PLENTY of outrage over the script changes in FF7R that having Aerith go off in the trailer about “not focusing on the past” is enough to say “Fuck you and your precious original, this isn’t your granddad’s Final Fantasy 7!” NOT something you want to put out there. On purpose, at least. I can’t imagine this NOT being a jab against those that hated FF7R’s Rewrites. Japan has a history of doing this (the most notable time being from Phantom Hourglass in regards to the touch controls). So I can’t imagine this NOT being the case here.

As for the trailer itself, I detect some bait if people aren’t familiar with the story. You have Tifa going on about her possibly being dead, but it’s likely in regards to their background story of when they were kids and falling off a mountain, or being confronted with Sephoroth (how do you spell his goddamn name!?) where she gets cut down. Take your pick. People keep theorizing that Tifa is gonna die in place of Aerith for that good ol’ Subversion of expectations, but I’m not buying it. I wouldn’t blame people for taking the bait if true, considering how much shit has changed, and with the whole “Rebirth” nonsense going on, and Aerith’s passive aggressive quote at the beginning.

Ah well. It’ll be centuries before that comes out, and I’ll be sticking to Youtube for the 30 hour experience. NEXT


Well, this game certainly looks better (and worse) than previous installments.

For one, there’s an open world tour with custom characters (they’re trying to rip off Soul Calibur now) which I’m sure will be abused for cosmetic item DLC. As for the limited gameplay, or from what little we were allowed to focus on, it seems…. slower? I think it’d be smoother if they got rid of the choppy ass hitstun animation that looks like it breaks the animation pace/flow, yah know? It’d probably look more impressive if they allowed the animations to flow seamlessly. But no, it has to have hitstun shit going on, all of which is obscured by particle effects because we haven’t outgrown attaching graffiti to character’s moves yet.

Fuck, why am I paying so much attention to animation details all of a sudden?!

If anything, at least the game is trying to resemble it’s namesake. “Street Fighter” looking like it’s actual fights in the streets, going all the way to Metro City for that Final Fight cred. Even saying “fuck the internet, we’re using hip hop in this bitch!” That’s right! Fuck the nerds online! This is “STREET FIGHTER!” Make it FEEL like Street Fighter! SF3 Turd Strike has the only legit Street Fighter soundtrack. Fuck all the punk mother fuckers going “yo yo yo” to downplay them sweet ass tunes! It’s just a shame you had to wait through 2 crappy animu fighters just to get something resembling the namesake. Course, time will tell if Capcom can manage to keep that up, or if the nerds will bitch them out (again) for using rap music, forcing them to change it.

The 3D Models could be better. Idk what it is about Capcom, but they have a nasty habit of making ugly Street Fighter art, which is reflected in their models. SF5 looked hideous with characters that looked more appropiate for some backwater claymation show. They’re not that bad here, but there’s still something off about them that I can’t quite put my finger on.

As for the content, well that one DLC boxer is back (where are his shoes!?). Hopefully he’s not replacing Balrog or Dudley (that was my boi). Since this takes place after 3 for once, maybe Sean can come back and not be shit this time. Chun Li’s student is FINALLY playable… maybe. And…. heheh…. the internet is CRYING over Ken Masters! Wow, so he got a divorce, and now he’s a hobo! It’s about time he got taken down a couple of pegs, arrogant shit stain that he is. Even though… shit man, a divorce? That’s a bit much, ain’t it? Maybe he lost his fortune and that’s why Eliza left? Gold diggin!? Well maybe he won’t be so bothered by Sean this time… if Capcom brings him back. Ryu’s finally grown a beard, and he seems to wear it well. Flip flops and cape are a bit much, but eh.
And oh no…. drunken kung fu dude sounds like Johnny Bosch. Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

It looks more interesting without the Avengers-styled story shit getting in the way, for sure, but this is mostly a preview. We don’t really know what’s going to happen with the game. But it does look interesting. NEXT

[EDIT] Did not notice the gameplay vids were posted prior to writing this.


OH SHIT SON!!! SUPER BOMBERMAN R 2 BABY, YEAH!! Oh right… my creed of not buying new shit… Damn you, Konami! Tempting me with Bomberman! You should know better than to hype me up! Oh, 2023, that’s enough time to forget it even exists!


“Castle mode?”

Build a castle to defend against assaults? Defense and Strategy elements?

Uhhhhhhhhh…. Bombernite? Bomberman + Fortnite?

Hmm… I mean yeah, Bomberman games could use a spruce up in terms of gameplay, but that’s…. definitly not what I had in mind. I don’t know about this.

I think Konami’s gonna fuck this up… NEXT


Oh look. It’s a remake of the most overrated Resident Evil game ever created. I would go on to say this is an unnecessary remake as many others would, but Capcom loves money and they know RE fans are hopelessly addicted to RE4 as if it were Amma’s gift to the franchise, and not the beginning stages of Resident Evil’s rot.

But there are signs that Capcom is going to scale back on the cartoonish super martial arts crap that has perverted the series since Code Veronica, and in all candor, that IS a good thing. But what they’re choosing to scale back and “improve” is questionable as all fuck.

Leaks came out and… Krauser isn’t coming back. Uh… why not? Because they want to make Luis Sera a villain.

Fuck you, Capcom. Expand on a character’s story, sure, but outright making him responsible for Ashley’s capture, and THEN becoming yet ANOTHER REDUNDENT Nemesis enemy for the castle is beyond lazy. I know people are gonna go on and say “dude, they’re just leaks, nothing is confirmed”. To that, I say “bitch please”. Too many leaks from the last generation turned out to be true, and considering how reductionistic these remakes have been, taking out Krauser doesn’t seem at all farfetched. Turning Luis into a villain/Nemesis enemy is too much, but Simplycom have made 3 games thus far with recycled enemy concepts of Mr. X because “Mr X was popular in REmake 2”. If you count Nemesis at all. That and they’re supposedly taking the “Right Hand of Salazar” boss and turning it into ANOTHER Nemesis enemy, plus you have ANOTHER Nemesis enemy known as the “Jester” or “Clown” in the waterway. REmake 4 is going to be a shitshow of redudant enemy types, mark my words. Fans of the original are likely to hate this and draw criticism towards an overuse of enemy design (except the Youtubian Pimps. Expect them to tongue arse the game for all it’s worth)

Secondly, Ashley is going to be changed to be less of a damsel in distress, and will be “more confident” when it comes to saving Leon. Is it just me… or are they going to alter Ashley’s personality and/or role? Considering this “change” is there to address complaints about Ashley in general, I can’t help but feel they’e missing the point of Asheley overall, likely to try and give her that “girl power” angle that Claire, Ada Wong, and especially Jill were all saddled with. The leak in general sounds like it’s taking a page out of Moira Burton, one of the absolute worst female characters in the entire franchise, as well as Rebecca Chambers with that “Save Leon” gig. This sounds nice on paper, but if we take what happened with the latter 3 female characters, I have suspicions that they’re going to make Ashley WORSE in this game!

Plus, the outrage youtubers are going to have a field day with that shit when the game comes out, what with Leon being undermined to make Ashley look stronger and more capable. That shit is coming, get ready for Razorfist, Critical Drinker, and anyone else to dive in on that shit like Sylvester on Tweety Bird (keyword “Tweety”). Also, Leon “collapsing” happened in the original after his fight with Moby Dick, but it was Ada (or Luis) who had to save him in this regard (which makes sense as this happened BEFORE Leon could ever save Ashley). So… no one thinks this takes away from Ada? One of the aspects of her character was that she was working for the badguys, and is often trying to manipulate Leon for her own ends. But saving his life here would show that “hey maybe she DOES care about him, and she refuses to show it, or she’s keeping him alive because he’s a useful tool for her own objectives”. Keeps the whole “mysterious agent” thing in play. Aren’t we fucking that up because “Ashley’s character was wrong. We absolutely HAVE to fix it”?

I’m sure everyone’s looking at this particular leak and are praising it to the highest of heavens just because it’s “happening”, but what I’m looking at is a pattern. Simplycom has fucked 3 female characters pulling this shit. Claire, most people would overlook because she was always a tomboy (nevermind that she’s never displayed such forced aggression, vulgar shouting, and horrible temperment in any of the games until the remake), but NO ONE has an excuse for Ada Wong! That shit was unnecessary and RUINED her character! I fear what kind of attitude she will have in REmake 4! But Jill!? THAT WAS CROSSING SOME FUCKING LINES! They FUCKED her character to push the girl power nonsense in areas that never needed to be ventured into because, for some fucking reason, Simplycom’s idea of a strong female character is a stank attitude. I swear this is where they’re gonna go with Ashley’s character. If I’m wrong, so be it, but “The patterns are there, buried in the data”.

The “problem” with Ashley wasn’t her role or her character. It was the fact that her involvement in gameplay turned most of the experience into a glorified escort mission, thus people look at the character negatively. DESPITE this, RE4 is still the most overrated piece of rat shit ever known to mankind. Ashley did not ruin the experience so much that the game was lesser for it. Mostly because those escort segments were relatively minimal compared to other elements of gameplay. On the other hand, RE5 and RE6 have more “helpful” female partners, and those games are rated much LOWER than RE4. So what does that tell you? Ashley’s role as the damsel was never a problem if people were willing to constantly buy every port of RE4 that comes into existence. The thing about Shinji Mikami was that he was always about “creating tension” through gameplay. Part of the tension in RE4 was trying to keep Ashley safe during dangerous gunfights with Ganados. People grumbled about this, but this didn’t stop them from playing the game. A better way to handle this (since you’re recycling ideas) is to give the bitch a crowbar and have her swing on people. Have a similar system to Revelations 2 with said partner character so she isn’t totally useless, but isn’t so overpowered that she’d be on par with Sheva or whatnot. I’d prefer that over having to revisit save points just to retrieve her. Not only would you be missing the point of Ashley, you’re actually making her WORSE!

As for everything else… meh. It sounds like it’ll be better than the original, though I’m not so keen on having to backtrack between save points just to save Ashley from getting eaten by the Right Hands of Salazar. Just seems like arbitrary padding to me.

I haven’t peeped every trailer that’s come out. Hell, I haven’t been keeping up with Frontier for a minute. Something about 2D segments being there, which means that the “open world” is probably some hub world or something, while the 2D shit are the actual Zone Acts. But like I said, haven’t paid much attention to it.