Archive for June, 2021

I miss the good ol days when Solid Snake and Sonic were actually special because no one thought it would ever happen. Now guest characters are just a revenue stream, and no one is batting an eye over it.

Aside from Samus’s suit.

Can’t put my finger on why, but this looks like a prequel of sorts. There’s a Chozo bird in there, Samus’s suit is too weak to fight a drone, etc. Not to mention her suit looks like crap. Despite that, eh, doesn’t look bad. I see they included that… counter punch from Samus Returns.

What I’m shocked by is the fact that Nintendo fans are dumping on this game over being in 2D. So much for that “gameplay matters” BS they’ve been chugging out for a decade. Or it could be new Nintendo fans who are equally as insane. Yet this is the crowd that Iizuka wants for Sonic.

…. I should stop doing that, I know.

If you found the lack of Sonic Central coverage on my blog to be disappointing, well you feel exactly as I feel about Sonic Central. There’s again nothing to talk about. Among wild speculation for Sonic Rangers (with a title like that, you just know it’s going to be ridiculous, or a knock off of Sonic Man and Power Rangers), you have a remaster of a shitty game and the preservation of fail that is Roger Craig Smith. It’s clear with that latter decision that Sega has no sense of taste or objectivity and for some reason thinks that by forgoing other qualified unionized voice actors that actually have a degree of talent that actually fits the main character, they stick to one guy who’s been making people’s ears bleed for an entire decade with a voice so stuffy and forced, he could go hoarse just by rehersing his fucking lines.

But leave it to the propoganda parade of Sonic Twitter to make people think the exact opposite. Amongst a dhiarria conssesion of hyped up 12 year olds who somehow believe that Sonic Colors brought the franchise back from the brink of destruction by being exclusive to a console owned by thirsty Nintendo fans desperate to find something of worth to play in a sea of mediocrity that was the Nintendo Wii library. “Playing well” isn’t the same thing as “being fun”, and as soon as Sonic Generations came out the very next year, Colors was soon left to rot in mediocrity when people realized what a fun Sonic game actually was. It wasn’t timed powerups reminiscent of Super Mario 64 and Galaxy, it wasn’t dumbed down Unleashed controls which were maintained in Generations, it wasn’t incredibly slow speed, it wasn’t a boost system that was limited to the more rare wisps (something that people bemoaned in Forces iirc), and it wasn’t shear linearity that was dependent upon your current supplies. Say what you will about Unleashed, but your ability to find alternate paths had more to do with personal skills than what powerups you had on standby. Hate the wisps, well here’s your random and obligatory Super Sonic mode that replaces all that gimmicky bullshit with random springs loaded onto the levels that make the entire experience far more automated than ever before. It speaks volumes that your ability to progress through a Zone in Sonic was limited to what powerups you had at the time, something that should’ve infuriated actual Sonic fans since all they care about, apparently, is gameplay, but we all know Sonic fans sold their souls a long time ago in the face of peer pressure.

To put it bluntly, the only thing Sonic Colors had were aesthetics, and if the last 2 console generations proved anything, beauty is only skin deep. As ugly as the real world aesthetics of Shth, S06, and Unleashed all were, those games actually had something going for them, none of which having anything to do with fanboys desperate for the approval of gaming journalists and their peers. Sonic Colors is a bunch of things, but the one thing it most certainly isn’t is “engaging”. You could snore your way through the gimmick quest and still hoodwink yourself into thinking it’s the best gaem evar out of sheer desperation to stave off buyer’s remorse. Very little of the issues I mentioned will ever be fixed in the “Ultimate” edition. Seriously, “Colors Ultimate”? Sega shows they have shitty naming conventions for their Sonic games yet again! The name “Sonic Colors” did nothing but invite the uncontrollable urge to shit oneself with laughter, and attaching an “ultimate” on the cover to think a game like this deserved any real majesty is pure comedy. “Oh well all these other AAA developers slap an “Ultimate” on their fighting games with actual budgets, maybe it can work for us!” Or the name itself could be a joke on how the industry rereleases an upgraded version of their games every once in a while since Sonic is now one big joke, but to assume Sega is that clever is a joke in and of itself. About the only issue I can see getting fixed is the frame rate. When you think of Sonic, the last thing you ever think of is “slow”, and an FPS of 30 is NEVER the standard to follow, and yet for some reason up until Forces, that was the standard framerate for Sonic games up until Sonic Boom (I think). Even then, an increased framerate isn’t going to fix how boring Sonic Colors was, and because people praised it for no other reason than “well the journalists didn’t rip it to shreds this time”, Sega will find no reason to change anything else… aside from allowing people to play dress up with Sonic. Is it true that they have a Shitshow costume as an option? As in the “movie” Sonic? Because that’s what I want! To be reminded of a whiny little bitch who forgets he can do the quicksilver stunt at will, and farts in towels as his choice of comedy! To be reminded of a character so out of character that he takes the place of his own sidekick in Tails in that “he needs friends and is lonely”. He takes the place of Lost Mind Tails in that he’s randomly on his period over issues that have no baring on the current situation. Because “hey, the movie was successful! Can’t fault them for being proud of it!” I can because they’re admitting that Sonic, in the hands of the west, can succeed in spite of SOJ’s nefarious interference and sabotage since forever, meaning that any other western adaptation is more legitimate than Sonic Colors.

Sega didn’t go out of their way to be fancy for Sonic Unleashed when they ported it over to Xbone, and they didn’t see fit to remaster Generations even though a remaster of that is more appropiate given that this was supposed to be the anniversary year, and that was an anniversary title. Not sure why anyone should care about anniversaries of fictional characters, but people do, and if they did, they should be bemoaning Colors Ultimate instead of tongue arsing it.

Speaking of tragedies, Yuji Naka is likely retiring from video games. I guess the disaster that was Banal Wondermess got to him. While it’s sad to see the creator of the GOAT of the 16bit generation console war leave gaming behind, it’s… probably for the best. I’ve played more than just Sonic and NiGHTS, and I can say comfortably that Yuji Naka’s style of design wasn’t suited for the current generation. He oversimplifies things to the point of absurdity, and while that’s… not a particularly bad thing, when you’re putting every function on one button, it becomes disorientating because we are used to using at least 2-3 buttons for most gaming functions. This isn’t the Atari age where all you had was a joystick and a single button, games have multiple actions that the players can utilize, often by using additional buttons. Let them use them! The oversimplification of Sonic games worked for Sonic because jumping would automatically initiate an attack via spin attack, and it worked fine. It doesn’t work for other games because by oversimplifying the controls, you actually complicate the games (if that makes sense). You’d have to restrict the player in a sense to make simplistic controls work, and that doesn’t work for everything. Much as I enjoy Kirby Airride, that game has the same problem. Powerups can be activated by hitting the A button, or any button for that matter, they all do the same thing, but here’s the problem. Pressing or holding A causes the rider to BRAKE! So in order to use certain powers or gimmicks, you will have to slow down periodically. That’s NOT what you want to do in a racing game!

But whatever. If he’s retiring, then so be it. Thanks for giving us one of the best damn gaming franchises ever conceived. We can all cry as it all goes to shit in the hands of incompetent morons who only seem to get a pass out of pity rather than actual enjoyment.

You know, it’s never occurred to me, but I’ve never talked an ounce about this “Sonic Prime” show that’s going on Narcflix. Who the fuck is “Jason Dean”, and why is it so hard for Sega to just use the fucks that were doing Sonic voices years ago? I can’t find this gimp anywhere online, it just takes me to a villain from a movie I’ve never heard of. Hey, Jaleel White is still available, maybe we can use him again! Jason Griffith… I guess can come back. He’s likely rusty as all fuck, but he was IMPROVING DAMMIT! We know Sega has a stick up their ass about Ryan Drummond, so unfortunately he’s out of the question. Well in eithercase, OH GOODY! Multiverses! I wonder what ANTICS will be used in this series. Or hell, maybe it can take Sonic from the games to meet Sonic from SatAM, AOSTH, Underground, X, that Boomfuck shit, or something. That’d be interesting, a culmination of all the adaptations that Sonic’s ever had rolled into one series. It’d be one way to satisfy fans of all walks by having their favorite versions show up in one show!

But that would be just… too satisfying for Sega to pull off, and if that Tweet Hex showed about “mediocre things being more successful because people can imagine doing them better”, it’s probably a strategy they’ve imployed to hype up fan generated content. In other words, they’re using the fans to carry this franchise and keep it relevant via fangames and other shit we don’t get paid for. Or I’m looking too deeply into that quote. In either case, still not enough info to discuss. It’s actually kinda frustrating. They announce shit, but there STILL isn’t anything to talk about! How does THAT work!?

Aside from fucking around with Sonic, Sega’s also busy at work remastering fighting games no one cares about. Virtua Fighter 5! Remember that game? Sure you don’t! You had all these Tekken games to play on PS3, all those overrated Blazblue games, the decent if annoying little Xrd games, the terrible Street Fighter games and what may have you. Hell, Virtua Fighter 5 was so bad, they didn’t even bother making one for the last generation. To compete with Namco? They’ve been making the most popular fighting games of the last generation. Tekken 7 alone would overshadow most fighters up until DBF, and hell, that game was published by Namco so technically, it’s just as much their game as it is ASWs. Virtua Fighter 5… look, it’s not the worst fighting game ever created. It plays fine, has solid controls, that kind of shit, but as I’ve said in the past, it looks and is boring. The physics alone makes the game feel lifeless. It’s too floaty, and there doesn’t seem to be any sort of weight or force from each blow that makes you feel like you’re actually fighting. Maybe they’ll fix that in this remaster along with the aesthetics, but I’m not holding my breath. Too many people have been hoodwinked by the FGC into thinking VF5 was worth anyone’s time, and now everyone jumps on the bandwagon of “Virtua Fighter is good because deep and technicals!” If they want to remaster something, since they wanna jump on the Remaster train, they can go back and remaster… the original Phantasy Star Online since you won’t give us sorry ass PS4 owners PSO2. Remaster and port Phantasy Star Portable 2 to PS4 no wait, they’ll just put it on PS5 and give us the finger, nevermind. Remaster the Virtual-On games, or at least the Dreamcast one. Remaster… fucking Guardian Heroes and Bangai-O. You guys were the original publishers iirc, you can work something out with Treasure. Oh but that damned capitalism would compel you to remaster VF5 and Colors over those titles (ugh). I mean you went and remastered Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz, and I don’t know anyone besides myself who would give two shits about Super Monkey Ball. Hard as that game is. Well, I suppose that’s better than what Nintendo is doing. Another Mario+Rabbids game, goddammit did everyone just forgo standards these days!?

Oh well, here’s to Ratchet and Clank 8 to pick up the slack. Great, Ratchet has ANOTHER sidepiece! If they keep this up, he’ll be a bigger pimp than Michael Knight.

Resident Evil IRL

We interrupt your gaming nonsense for real shit. I’d appreciate if yah’s keep the comments on topic for this one. This is likely to get me banned, but bare with me.

This whole… Covid virus and vaccine shit that’s been going around for the last year in a half… reminds me of the 9/11 war on terror. You know how everyone agrees that it was all for taking oil from the middle east, but people seem to be on the fence on whether or not 9/11 was an inside job. For some reason, people still argue and debate about it because they want to be in denial of the idea that the government would harm it’s own citizens. The idea that government is obligated to do everything it can for it’s own people… hasn’t been a reality for ages. Governments around the world do everything in their power to fuck over and strip the citizens of their power at every turn. It is never out of the question that America is the same way. Government’s been fucking America over for the last 3 decades with destructive laws, no free health care, police genocides, etc. You want a good bullshit story, we can go on for several days talking about the handling of the Covid crisis, and this massive push to get what amounts to as experimental gene therapy approved by the FDA so that they can federally mandate this shit and destroy all of us.

Before I get into this, for anyone that manages to catch this before it potentially gets deleted, please don’t get into arguments over partisan bullshit. I personally do not care about the parties involved, and I only see the parties as distractions from the overall subject. They are both evil and are both fucking over the country. One is not automatically better than the other because you may or may not like one or the other better. They both eat ass. Fuck em.

First of all… it was 2020 when Trump went on this quest to produce a vaccine as fast as humanly fucking possible. He called it the moronically titled “Operation Warp Speed”. Now… we were all thinking the same thing. “This fool can’t just rush a vaccine out to the public! It’s dangerous, irresponsible, and can lead to more health problems than the actual virus.” Even Kamala Harris, Scheming Bitch that she is, was arguing that you can’t make a vaccine until at least after 5 years.

Fast forward to 2021 when the first vaccines were getting rolled out at the beginning of this year… and people have completely changed their tune and have thrown caution to the wind!? Now wait a minute! Hold the fuck up! Weren’t we all on the same page… just a year ago!? How is the idea of a quickly produced vaccine now more attractive after just a year!? I would assume for the same reason that a war with Iraq was more attractive 2 decades ago after 9/11. People were in their emotions. People stopped thinking rationally in regards to the vaccine, but instead became emotional and started communicating absolute nonsense to people. “Oh I want to see my family again”, that kind of shit. First of all, nothing was stopping people from doing that aside from a lack of knowledge. We didn’t know how this virus could transmute to different people until… idk, April or in the second half of 2020, where everyone got smart and learned “hey, the masks, or at least the N95 ones that are REALLY hard to breathe in, have a damn good chance of preventing that shit from getting in your mouth”. Skepticism aside, you could still see your damn family… so long as you’re wearing SOMETHING on your fucking face. Lets not bullshit ourselves anymore than the media has for the last year. Why do doctors need medical masks, most of the time being the flimsy paper shit that we’re told is useless? To prevent the doctors themselves from catching w/e the fuck the patients have when they are operating on them. You guys remember that shit, right? People arguing, cussing, and fussing about why masks don’t work, getting right pissed off when people tell them to wear something, going so far as to liken them to muzzles put on slaves, every jackoff in America had an excuse as to why masks were IMMORAL!!!!

Right, rambling. Much as I despise him, there’s this little thought in my mind that… people didn’t approve of vaccines… primarily because Trump had the idea to push toward the vaccine. Because with Biden’s old decrepit ass, for some reason, people don’t mind when HE continues the bullshit!? Something’s not computing. How the natural hell is the SAME plan a bad idea under one guy… but good under another!? Does that make any sense!? Pardon my rather shallow comparison, but it’s like if DC does a comedy movie (like Shazam), it’s a shitty idea, but when Marvel does a comedy movie (Thor Ragnarok), it’s the BEST thing since sliced bread? There’s a distinction without difference. Quite literally with the 2 administrations. People have lost their fucking minds praising the same operation that they lambasted just a year ago! Make it make sense!

But you know what’s really suspect? The censorship going on in regards to the vaccines. Just recently, you had the CDC come out saying that they’re investigating the link between the vaccines and Myocarditis.

Inflammation, by the balls of Ra! It just seems to me that these vaccines are seemingly damaging people’s cardiovascular systems. We have blood clots one minute, then we got Myocarditis the next! Seems like the vaccines do more harm than good! But every media outlet swears that it’s such a good thing that more than half a million americans have gotten the jab. Infact, you’d swear there is no danger at all with these vaccines. There seems to be a massive embargo on information that one is allowed to put out on the vaccines. Or in other words, information that casts a NEGATIVE light on the vaccines. Why is that? They claim it’s to reduce the amount of misinformation on the vaccines and what they do. However, we get to a point where just regular comments that merely say “fuck taking the vax” will get hit with some edit talking about how their comments are misleading.

One thing I’ve learned over the years is that behavior is oftentimes more indicative of the truth than mere facts. So the behavior of media outlets and “officials” who go out of their way to dismiss people who criticize the vaccines… have something to hide. All the times I’ve looked on Twitter, I’ve never seen shit like this happen. Why so overprotective of the vax? Why are people desperate to get everyone jabbed up? Not to mention the “way” they dismiss them. They come off as condescending and antagonistic. Just like those who were dismissive of the 9/11 claims of an inside job. The responses are too similar. Now we’ve got memes like “Fact Check” running around for those questioning the jabs

For instance, there’s an interview by a well-renowned medical professional by the name of Luc Montagnier who recently talked about just how fucked up these vaccines really are. You won’t find that video on youtube. At all. They’re probably at work trying to scrub the whole damn internet of that video. I’ll get to him in due time. We need to talk about Dr. Fauci. Or maybe we should call him Albert Wesker because he’s looking more and more like a Resident Evil villain.

Did anyone catch that hearing a few days ago when he… basically lied under oath and said that he and his NIH institute were not funding a Wuhan lab, but then not too long after, he fucking admitted they had a grant of $600k to said Wuhan lab!?

Who would believe this bastard after that admission!? Actually no. Who would believe him after he stated that the blood clots from the Vax (not specifically J&J because every Vax user has reported blood clots) were caused by ANXIETY!? I was watching the news when I heard this, and lemme tell yah, my jaw hit the goddamn floor when I saw it! “Did this frail, raggedy cracka just say that the blood clots that were caused AFTER innoculation… was caused by anxiety, are you fucking serious!?” You talk about a good bullshit story, you have to stand back IN AWE!!! If having anxiety caused a negative reaction to the vax, then we need to ask why!? How does an emotional response trigger that kind of shit from a vaccine? It comes off like victim blaming! Don’t you know that if the vaccine causes that to happen… WOULDN’T THAT BE AN INDICATION THAT YOU CAME OUT WITH THESE VACCINES TOO EARLY!? See what happened when you RUSHED this thing out to market!? There you go, put them back in the oven, they’re not done yet! What kind of excuse do they have for Myocarditis!?

Oh they were just so excited to get the vaccine that their hearts swelled with joy!

Give me a break. It’s bad enough this quack argued in favor of Gain of Function research back in the day, claiming that the benefits would be worth risking a pandemic. For all we know, that’s what the grant money was used for. “Gain-of-function” is the euphemism for biological research aimed at increasing the virulence and lethality of pathogens and
viruses. When you look at this damn Covid, how can anyone not come to this conclusion? After all, Fauci himself is the father of Gain of Function research, if not a staunch promoter of such devilry. He has argued in favor of Gain of Function for… possibly decades. Allegedly, Obama put a halt on all of this shit in America, forcing him to continue his research with the Wuhan Institute of Viralogy, with a grant of $600k. This isn’t the first time the NIH sent money for these projects. They funded 2 research teams headed up by Ron Fouchier and Yoshihiro Kawaoka where they modified bird flu to jump to mammals, making it so that it too could be transferred to humans. It’s not out of the question that Fauci (and Gates) funded the same kind of research in China.

Speaking of which, lets talk about the flip flopping of Bastard Devil Biden. It wasn’t too long ago that this fucker tried to halt any investigation into the true origin of the virus. Then, like on a whim, he reversed track on it. Why? I’d say it’s because Fauci let it slip that he funded WIV. If I didn’t know any better, judging by his actions, Biden was probably in on this shit. That was a very speedy about face, wasn’t it? Like that cancelling of college debt, lying shit.

So in light of all these details coming out at the tail end of May, then by association, these vaccines should also be suspect. No? Going back to the 9/11 example, by the sheer fact that the war on terror was just a cheap cover to steal oil from the middle east, that the attack on the twin towers was a false flag operation to create a pretext. But… like 9/11, this doesn’t happen. Now people are starting to get suspicious of just what the fuck is going on. I mean people were suspicious before, but more so now than ever since these details are now coming out. But then… these vaccines should come under increased scrutiny. Why?

Well, remember when I mentioned a guy by the name of “Luc Montagnier”? This guy apparently knows his shit. Otherwise, people wouldn’t have gone in a mad dash to dismiss him. He made the initial claim that the virus did not come out of natural processes, but originated in a lab. People were quick to suggest that he was just using his Nobel Laureate prize (or w/e the hell they call it) as leverage to say w/e he pleased. But yet, here we are with investigations into the Wuhan lab.

Now that interview where he talked about why these vaccines are fucked up? Well, recently, Fauci talked about the necessity of people needing booster shots of the covid vax in the future. That was already suspect. You figure after 2 shots, that should be enough. Lets be real. The only real reason people don’t shit talk vaccines in general is because they are required by law to take them, damn the consequences. So far (and we could wish it stays that way permanently), the Covid vax isn’t mandatory (hasn’t stopped predatory businesses from trying). But people were parading the idea that “after your 2 shots, you are FULLY protected from the virus!” We know this is bullshit because people were STILL catching the disease. Combine with that the risk of side effects like damage to your cardiovascular system via Blood Clots or Myocarditis. Now they’re talking about potentially needing booster shots. Why?

Well, remember during the second half of last year when all these strange variants of Covid kept popping out one after another? That’s the weirdest thing, isn’t it? Like how do you have a virus that just mutates on a whim!?

Now we go to Luc Montagnier. Recently, he made the claim that it is the vaccines themselves… that lead to these variants.

….Yeah I know it sounds weird, but hell, it might be plausible. See, there’s this thing known as “Antibody Dependency Enhancement” where a virus could actually be strengthened by the antibodies rather than be destroyed by them. Last year, people were talking about how Covid mutates in response to it’s environment or some shit. Viruses, bacteria, w/e, they need a host to live. If it doesn’t find one, it will just die out, or so they say. Now, if an Antibody or something gets in the way of Covid being able to graft itself to the body, then this forces the virus to change itself to get around the antibody. IE it MUTATES. So when it mutates, it can actually use the antibody to help itself get into the body better. Thus you have people getting Covid after recovery. Likely, Covid mutated and found a way around the antibodies that were produced by an earlier infection.

Now what do vaccines do? The purpose of a vaccine is to use a dead virus to produce a response from the body to create antibodies to purge the body of the virus. So that the next time the body comes into contact with the virus, it can properly fight it off. But… because Covid is a virus that can adapt to antibodies, and use them to it’s advantages, Covid essentially defeats antibodies and mutates. This creates variants that a person could unknowingly spread to other people.

In other words, the vaccines are likely turning people into vectors for variants of the virus.

And guess what? Mask mandates in America are starting to whither away. Americans are a spoiled and rotten bunch who simply cannot wait to take off their masks and travel. My job just ended mask mandates, making a lot of them fools extremely happy. I can imagine that in due time, we’ll get another resurgence of Covid. Vaccinated people will act no better than the owners of Hybrid cars, being “Vaxholes” that are smug about taking experimental shots. The number of variants will likely multiply out of control… AND THEN PEOPLE WILL NEED THE BOOSTER SHOTS TO COUNTER THE VARIANTS!

And I doubt future shots would be free. For all I know, they’re playing god with bioweapons, and using the variants to scare people for all eternity, raking in millions from the terrified masses who want normalcy above their own well being. Lets be real, no one is taking these vaccines because they think they’ll be protected. They’re just emotional and impatient. They want to go on their precious vacations, go to bars, and do all the fun stuff. They don’t care if they are protected, nor do they care about potential side effects. We can through report after report of terrifying side effects, and these dumbasses will still line up for their free poison. After all, there’s nothing more important than sexy beaches.

As far as I’m concerned, the only real way to beat this pandemic is purely through prevention. Do not get infected, period. If you survived last year and never caught because you decided to cover your face, keep… fucking… doing it. Don’t run out here and take the jab that has never been guaranteed to protect you, and is proven to do far more harm than good. Sure, “don’t get infected” is easy to say because.. hell, you don’t know. One day, you might slip up, or another person you know might slip up, and we’re fucked either way, but you shouldn’t let the possibilities of such discourage you. The hand washing, all of that. Learn from Vietnam, they CRUSHED the fucking virus even though they are on China’s doorstep! Idk if they’re vaxing up, but hell, I wouldn’t recommend it.

I’m not just saying this for hits or what may have you. I’ve lost family within the last 2 years alone, and recently, a friend of mine just died suddenly, so… it’s just a lot of anxiety on my part (no blood clots out of that though, gee I wonder why!?). I can’t take anymore people dying on me, and what sickens me is that several members in my family have already taken the vaccine, as well as other friends and coworkers, which… gave me even MORE anxiety than I already do. So now I’m trying to think “there has to be a way to counteract these vaccines” cause I don’t want to end up looking at commercials going “If you or a loved one experienced this level of fuckery from Covid Vaccines, you may be entitled to compensation” and think I need something from them. Probably wouldn’t exist because these assholes are protected from lawsuits (another clue these vaccines are dangerous). I’ve heard shit like activated Charcoal helps to draw out the toxins of vaccines, though they talk about risk for black stools and blockages of the ass, so that’s out of the question. Idk, I just can’t take this shit anymore. I hate the fact that they all ran out to get these poisons, and they don’t know a damn thing about em. All of them are just emotional. Well, some of them had no choice, they’d lose their jobs if they didn’t, but that’s tyrannical in and of itself. Just have that person wear their goddamn masks. There was this woman who planned to have a child, and didn’t want to take the vaccine for fear of potential side effects to her baby (a waitress), and those cocksuckers fired her on the spot. It was probably an excuse to deny her any form of maternity leave, but still, fuck those guys. And fuckheads will be justifying this by going “oh well, vaxes have been mandatory for ages!

That is all.