Archive for July, 2020

Thanks Jim! (Nintendo Fans)

You know what I don’t like about Jim Sterling? It’s very petty and not at all worthy of being a knock against him, but you know what really grinds my gears!?

He never seems to make a point that I could disagree with! I mean come on man! Give me a goddamn opening!

But in all seriousness, yes, Nintendo fans have… issues. Scratch that, not even issues, they have encyclopedic volumes! Yes, it is odd that fans of cute and family friendly entertainment happen to be the biggest assholes online. How that came to be, I don’t know

Even so, they are still far from the worst. Primarily when concerning hardware assistance. Even if you are a bastard that takes shots at them constantly (like me), they will actually HELP you if you have any issues with your Nintendo products. They don’t give you shit like Sony fans do or treat you like an idiot if you say… want to know if the latest version of PS4’s firmware won’t brick your PS4, or why a PS3 would suddenly stop playing movie and music files. Sony fans are sociopathic narcissists who expect you to be some sort of expert before asking any questions on what is wrong with your hardware. Nintendo fans actually have the desire to assist you when you need.

Still, they are cultists who like to bash you over the head with how perfect Nintendo games are. And… you know what this video exposes? That every excuse Third Parties made to avoid making games on a Nintendo platform, IE because Nintendo’s audience only wants and expects Nintendo games… is perfectly fucking valid. These guys went on rampages because Nintendo showed off 3rd Party games!? Hell, you’d think they would be salivating over that Shin Megami Tenshi 5, but they don’t want that!? I guess the characters have to be in Smash Bros before they give it a try, right? 😛

In that case, Hideki Kamiya needs to put more shit on PS4. Give me Anarchy Reigns 2 already!

Eh… still makes good points.

Had me at “Nintendo does the same shit, but they are completely protected by fanboys“.

Tale as old as time.

Goddamn, I did not think detoxing from the internet… again, could be so refreshing. Aaaaaaaand SOR4 got delayed until the end of the month.

Funny vid, but I don’t like this one bit.

So yeah, no shit I’m late on this, but I looked up PS5 news as if I was ever considering buying one at launch, but… this ain’t a good look. So there’s 2 different kinds of consoles, one for digital and one for physical, and already they’re trying to incentivize the digital editions via a cheaper price tag. As a dude with no internet where I live, I feel as though I’m going to be screwed in the future.

Digital games effectively remove power away from the consumer by limiting your buying options to specific online store fronts. This means you can’t just go to different stores and buy shit at varying prices, those prices will be controlled entirely by the people who make and distribute the games. Which from a quote “ethical” standpoint might seem fine until you come to the realization that the game industry is oversaturated with sociopaths and dirtbags. I’ve often talked about waiting for a price drop on games especially if they have DLC attached (which they always fucking do), but the problem is that at most retail stores, games stay at full price regardless of how old they are, so your alternatives for cheaper prices come from Gamestop (maybe) or more preferably Amazon. Because physical store fronts can (in some ways) set their own prices based on their own values/standards/etc. Don’t… quote me on that cause there might be some laws or shit that say otherwise, but you’ll often find some deals overtime. Digital? You literally have to wait for the developers to give you a deal, and Amma only knows how long that shit will take.

Then there’s the convenience factor. A lot of people talk about how convenient it is to save space in your home by not having to buy the discs. It’s actually a complete lie. See, if you buy a physical game, all you have to do is put that shit in whenever you get ready. You could uninstall it, but reinstall just by putting that shit in! Digital, you need internet, you need access to their online store (likely with a subscription fee, idk), and with Sony’s shitty internet service, risking a console brick. If you decide you need to clear out some space on your harddrive, but you don’t necessarily want to get rid of the games you bought, well fuck you, you’ve got no choice but to get rid of it. And you’d have to go back and redownload the game from their server just to put it back on (unless they have it where the install file remains on the harddrive and you can install it from there. Still, it’s gonna take up space at some point). It’s more of a hassle (as I see it) in having to manage HDD space than physical space in a house/apartment/etc.

Thing is if you actually know how to ORGANIZE your living spaces, you wouldn’t have this issue. And if you’re buying so many games that you run out of space in your home, maybe you should learn about something called “priorities” rather than thinking about making your ADDICTION more convenient for you.

But in making a digital only console, Sony is making a statement. They are going the extra mile to removing control away from the consumer, and putting it in their hands. Some fools will say “well, they’re trying to compete with Google Stadia”, but the long term goals/effects are what you should be concerned with. “Convenience” is going to be a buzzword to push for having less control over your purchases. Cheaper price, I could see. No disk drive brings down the costs significantly, but that would put you dependently on Sony’s internet service. That’s…. NO GOOD!

…..I hope Merge Games gives the same courtesy to Bloodstained Curse of the Moon 2 as they’re doing with Streets of Rage 4. 😦

Pardon the rather hyperbolic title. But considering just how… porny… anime has gotten in the last decade, I’m surprised it didn’t happen sooner.

Japanese cartoons and videogames have shown a surprising lack of restraint when it comes to sexual content. And by that I mean it wasn’t enough that the chicks were barely wearing any clothes. The writers and animators looked for every possible excuse to get them naked. Having the camera up a girl’s pussy at every given moment, having them in their underwear for sometimes inexplicable reasons, “awkward sexual encounters”, you can literally go on youtube and just find random anime videos that are exclusively tied to sexual content alone. Hell, wasn’t there some mech show where you had a male and female team piloting a mech, but the chicks literally had to bend over in front of the male pilots just for the mechs to work? Like… a literal BUTT FUCK position?

What kills me is how people tried to spin the narrative of “Twitter puritans trying to censor Japan and stifle their creativity”, bitch please. There is nothing creative about drawing and animating sex dolls. I’ve seen more creativity in that Kamen Rider show than anime in the last decade.

No Game No Life, regardless if it was an entertaining series, is no better about this, what with the red headed idiot being the show’s little whore half the time. Or those tiny implications of incest. Speaking of which, Sword Art Online is still one of the most popular shows in the world with all the fuck shit going on. You might as well be watching Hentai as it’s more honest.

Well, I better grab them Yu Yu Hakusho DVDs before they get canned.

Maybe my memory is getting worse as I age, but did I hear some shit about Ian Flynn making Sally Bi just to get her ass away from Sonic!?

Well, this shit certainly explains more than I thought it would!

You know, I just thought of something. If Sega had all these guidelines stating that Sonic isn’t allowed to have emotions, why is he such a whiny little bitch in the movie?

I’ll just leave this here

Well, what else can you expect from the guy who was introduced by Chris Sabat, the same predatory jackoff who assassinated Vic’s characters and basically allowed Funimation VA’s to attack their audiences?

Oh well, another famous VA who’s had his dick sucked waaaay too much is once again showing his ass, thinking of himself as a God. Jeez, I hope Steven Blum, Keith Silverstein, Khary Payton, and Patrick Seitz don’t turn out like this jack off. Or Jameson Price for that matter.

No More Excuses

For context, Tangle and Whisper, the Alphabet bitches from the IDW Sonic comics, are officially playable characters in the mobile Sonic Forces game.

I’m more concerned with the dipshit that tried to pull this.

Nevermind that Tikal was put in just a few weeks ago… who also happens to shit all over these 2 bitches (and most of the female cast in Sonic barring Rouge)

Lets not kid ourselves, these hoes got in because Sonic Team had a hand in their creation, and nothing more.