Archive for July, 2021


Look, I’ve never been a fan of He-Man. Hell, I never heard of it until the 2000s with that rebooted cartoon. But I did watch the 2000s cartoon, and I thought “Damn, this show has some good ass action!” I think it was the first American cartoon that did not bullshit when it came to fights and action scenes (aside from Samurai Jack I think), the characters were beating the snot out of each other! Skeletor slamming He-Man into a mountain, Man-At-Arms blasting… I think it was lock-jaw, all kinds of shit. I barely remember their names aside from He-Man, Man-At-Arms, and Battlecat… but I do remember Teela.

Teela was the typical action girl in the show, usually doing all the ass kicking while not taking any shit from Prince Adam/He-Man. I thought to myself “yep, seen this relationship before.” But clearly, from what I’ve recalled, Teela was already a badass. She wasn’t anything special, but she pulled her weight and showed that she was more than a pretty face. Or… whatever she said on that show.

So…Teela was already the strong female character. Right? Well… why did we need this?

Hello reason I drink.

I made the mistake of watching “Masters of the Universe: Revelation”, thinking to myself that this was going to be a “badasserer” version of the 2000s cartoon. The animation, colors, etc looked….. REALLY fucking good, plus the whole Bonnie Hero song sweetened the animation. You had Orko kickin ass for a change, and they sped up some scenes to make the animation looked better than it actually was. Cringer talking was… strange. Well, if you were thinking the same thing, chances are you only enjoyed the first episode of this series. Basically, He-Man is forced to split his Grayskull sword in 2 to save Eternia and the universe from Skeletor’s latest attack (btw, what a waste of Mark Hamil). In doing so, He-Man dies in the very first episode. It’s there that Teela then realizes that Adam and He-Man were one and the same. This… made her mad because apparently she was the only one who didn’t know the secret (I don’t remember a whole lot from the 2000s cartoon, so this detail escapes me. The last thing I remember was some blue faced robot with wind powers), and this… apparently made her angrier than the fact that he sacrificed himself. So she takes off her Tiara, and that moment, I instantly knew something was going to go wrong.

Come Episode 2, and Teela is now rocking the Man-do. Suddenly, Evil-Lyn is one of the good guys, taking off her crown (but keeping her long hair, somehow). From that moment onward, the show just wasn’t interesting anymore.

Again, Teela was already a bad ass who did not take shit from Adam, was competent enough, and kicked ass on her own. Why… did…. we…. need… this!? It feels like that’s no longer good enough that a female character is already a badass, so we have to do even more!? Someone help me out here.

Maybe this has more to do with the 80s cartoon. I guess she was more of a damsel in distress or something? I’ve not watched the old series and have no desire to, but… idk. It feels like these people are not satisfied with what is readily available, and they have to change the goal post on what is an acceptably strong female character. They must also have the aesthetics of a man, and cannot work alongside any other man that may be considered a potential suitor or something, idk. We took He-Man out of the whole damn show, even killing him off at the end of the season because… reasons. Bastards even killed off Orko.

Maybe it’s time to pull the plug on Netflix. They’ve become the streaming equivalent of Hollywood. How many properties will they ruin before the streaming apocalypse? Lets make a list:

Death Note


Saint Seiya (I mean after watching the older series for a little, they made this one for pussies)

Sabrina the Teenage Witch



Dragon’s Dogma

Starship Troopers

I’m missing others, I know.


You know… we’ve come a long way from what was once considered a good movie. So much so that people of today’s generation can and will find ways to defend shit entertainment no matter what it is, how much it gets wrong, and all the while throwing as much shade as possible to something they KNOW is greater.

The original Space Jam is… fucking awesome, to say the least. I remember as a kid going to the movies and seeing animated films… that looked really… fucking good. As a person that couldn’t give 2 fucks about how good anything looks, lemme tell yah that Space Jam was a work of beauty. I don’t think any other live action-animated mash up could make it where the looney tunes ACTUALLY LOOKED like they meshed well in the real world. In fact, I don’t think any movies ever tried to make them look good in the real world, but the scene where Bugs and Daffy have to sneak up to the real world to fetch Jordan’s basketball gear looked really fucking amazing back then. Especially the part where Bugs is going through Michael’s shit. To this day, I still don’t know how the fuck they made Bugs’s hands look real enough to shuffle through the man’s dresser and clothes. Hell, the parts where the human, live action characters started getting cartoon effects on them… fuck me, that was amazing! The part where Jordan gets crunched up into a ball was SHOCKING! I didn’t believe my eyes when this titan was turned into a literal, screaming ball that would actually haunt my nightmares. Seriously, that was scary shit to look at back then, but I don’t think any other mashup type of movie made it where the humans did cartoon shit like stretch their arms or get flattened and inflated. Space Jam, to me, was a technical fucking marvel of the 90s. I don’t care what anyone says about dated CGI or any of that hipster “I want to sound as pretentious reviewer of movies that goes on and on about details no normal person would give a shit about” brutally honest reviewers on the interwebs, but they can’t deny that Space Jam was an awesome movie.

Which is quite puzzling because many of those same dipshits would defend it’s horrible… horrible… HORRIBLE sequel for the most vapid of reasons, but the most damning one is the infamous, tried and true defense!


GET IT!? 4KIDS!!! Because that’s the perfect excuse to be shit!! It’s for kids! That’s why we have references to Game of Thrones, Pennywise, Clockwork Orange, Casablanca, Matrix, and every other kids property you can think of! Talk about a missed opportunity to have Mortal Kombat in this bitch! A franchise that’s M rated for audiences 17+… TOTALLY for kids!

Its clear at this point that the pandemic (and the MCU) has left people with a debilitating illness, the inability to discern quality without making excuses. Anytime there’s a massive fuckup, you can gaurantee there will be an Aegis uprising. Texas power grid failed in winter that left millions without power and literally freezing to death? Well fuck em, they should’ve learned how to relocate out of Texas and learned to start fires, it’s not Texas’s fault that they wanted to save money and not rely on those commie bastards across the country with unified power grids and shit. A high rise complex in Florida collapses? Well the point was it looked nice before it went down! Fauci disappears after his emails surfaced revealing that he and America are involved with the global pandemic? He was just doing his job and we all need to take those shots! People can’t help themselves! They have to defend bullshit no matter what form it takes! Don’t get me wrong, there are large swoths of people who are RIGHTFULLY shitting on this movie in all it’s glorious triteness, but the mere fact that this piece of crap has even the tiniest sliver of defenders shows the gene pool has been fucked for quite some time now. Oh don’t worry. I know WHY this movie has it’s defenders, but it’s not a good reason to have it’s defenders in the first place.

Lets get into that.

The story of Space Jam 2 is that Lebron James (of ALL the niggas they could put in this movie, they found a CCP shill!?) once played a game called Bugs Bunny’s Crazy Castle 2 back when he was a kid, and his taste in games was so dreadful, he couldn’t focus on winning a school game… I guess? Amma, this was so forced. No kid is that damn distracted for a couple of minutes playing shitty gameboy that they couldn’t win a basketball game. I refuse to believe that. Oh and keep this in mind. The fact that it was a Bugs Bunny game does not factor into the plot in any significant manner… or at all. No, he was just playing a game to pass the time until he was called into play ball. But it was this moment where Lebron decided “NO MORE GAME AND FUN, BASKETBALL EEZ SRS BITNESS!” and becomes a one-dimensional hardass when he grows up. So when he becomes a father, he tries to force his son into going into Basketball camp, but his kid, named Dom, is more interested in becoming a videogame programmer. This pisses off Lebron, obviously, but it doesn’t stop him from taking Dom to a meeting where some Warner Bros executives (including Sarah fucking Silverman for some reason) discuss wanting to put Lebron James into some Fortnite styled game called “Warnerverse”. I started believing for a moment that this game was literal self parody of corporate morons trying to cash in on the latest trends, such as the “Verse” bullshit popularized by fucking Marvel. Oh and get this, the Warnerverse has an AI played by Don Cheadle who gets really offended when “King James” (yes, apparently Lebron is so self-important and pretentious that he names himself after a genocidal rapist because he wrote the bible) says the idea is stupid. So Cheadle pulls a Tron and suck Lebron and Dom into the Warververse, and wagers that if Lebron loses a basketball game, Dom will be trapped in the Warnerverse forever. Nevermind how Cheadle can just do this on a whim, later on he pulls several people into his verse on their goddamn phones. Anywho, he traps Lebron in Tune world where he’s transformed into a cartoon after falling and making a random Nike symbol (Uh… because Kaepernick? Idk. Guess it’s just racist or something, idk). He finds Bugs who’s lonely because all his friends were taken away for reasons, but only thinks to summon Marvin the Martian after Amma knows how long, and the 2 go off into “Reference land” where they gather up Bugs’s pals… all because Lebron asked him for help in a basketball game. Nevermind that he LITERALLY FUCKING WAITED for someone to ask him for help before going off and looking for his friends, this dude actually references the original Space Jam movie for some reason. Lets get that cleared up. The Looney Tunes in this movie act like this is an actual sequel… BUT THESE ARE NOT THE ORIGINAL FUCKS THAT PLAYED ALONGSIDE MICHAEL JORDAN IN THE ORIGINAL MOVIE! But… more on that later.

Dom is seduced by Cheadle (not in that way, pervs) into joining the darkside because his dad is a dick, and he designs the Goon Squad, the opposing team for the movie. Nothing clever or meaningful like the “Monstars”, nope just “Goon Squad” because it rhymes with Tune Squad. Fuck this movie. Anywho, Lebron tries to be bossy with the Tunes, and they… basically tell him to piss off and let them play the way they want to, which makes a little sense. He asked THEM for help, and he’s not paying them. Kinda the inverse of the first movie where the tunes asked Jordan for help, and they somewhat fell in line and tried to learn from him… somewhat. But the movie gets interrupted by the plot, Cheadle appears and turns everyone CGI, Lola Bunny now looks like the stuff of nightmares, and all this because they thought it’d be too much work to have Lebron playing amongst 2D animation like in the 90s because modern laziness demands ugly as sin CGI arbitrarily. Turns out, Dom is the team captain for the Goon Squad, and Lebron literally has to face his own son in a match that not only determines Dom’s freedom, but the freedom of people that Cheadle just randomly pulled into his universe, as well as the actual lives of the Looney Tunes… just out of the blue. You can’t just raise the stakes randomly and expect people to care, but w/e. Gotta love the logic of Dom fighting against his own interests, but stupid kids are stupid, I guess. PS the Goon Squad cheats a lot, they have a guy that can freeze time, the entire game stops for a random rap battle that houses all of my cringe and gives their team 300 points, Dom is allowed to switch teams on the fly because his Daddy made an empty speech that means… nothing, Cheadle turns into Super Cheadle and cheats more, and the Tune Squad wins thanks to bullshit. Something something Bugs Bunny dies but then doesn’t die because Happy endings have to Happy. Lebron lets Dom go to gaming camp because that… exists for some reason. That’s the end, they’re talking about a 3rd Movie with Dwayne Johnson, Good God there is none, and no more.

So why does this movie have defenders? Well, I would say it’s because many of them can relate to Dom. Many kids of… my generation, were hounded endlessly by our parents to be a certain way, and if we didn’t meet their expectations, they would alienate us to the uptenth degree. The attitude that Lebron displays represents a lot of hardass parents who never learned to accept that their kids have different interests from their generation, and in many ways, it could be their own resentment at never having the opportunity to have any interests other than working to get themselves out of poverty or any other fucked up situation. Older generations worked a lot harder than we do, and for them, their work paid off. It’s not the same story today, so many people found other alternatives such as youtube, patreon, indie projects and hustle culture, etc. They found easier and more profitable ways to earn a living that doesn’t involve slaving away at shitty retail jobs that pay you dick. Most of us actually had dreams beyond just working for a living, and many people as a result of the pandemic have quit their bullshit jobs to pursue their passions because as far as they’re concerned, there is no point in working for something that can disappear overnight. There’s multiple layers to the relationship between Lebron and Dom that can be explored, and it presents a lot of material that people can relate to in so many ways. Especially given these some black folks too, that hits differently. Parents of the old generation really DIDN’T have the time or the opportunity to have a passion for anything. They only had the option of survival which meant discarding everything that didn’t have anything to do with making a living. They’re much more resentful of younger generations who now have far more opportunities than they did… which is ironic because they fought for that shit, but that’s another topic altogether. I’ll give it this much, as poorly done as it was, it has a story that is relevent even with this pandemic. Our interests are perpetually at odds with the previous generation, and it’s never going to change as generations move forward. It’s one thing to want your children to succeed, but it’s another to not nurture their interests so that they can succeed. What Lebron was doing was telling Dom to discard who he is to pursue tradition. It’s a cliche, but it still makes for a… well I can’t say “good” story in this sense because… obvious reasons, but you get the idea.

Here’s the problem. You called it SPACE JAM!



DO YOU KNOW WHAT SPACE JAM WAS ABOUT!? NO!? Well shit, that was obvious! This movie looks more like Ready Player One (a film that was equally shit) and Tron. It’s about a father who gets trapped in a videogame world of a computer AI’s making (Tron) filled with copyrighted characters (RPO). Wanna know what Space Jam was about? I’ll tell you!

At it’s core, Space Jam was about BASKETBALL! It was a sports movie first and foremost. The entire premise was billed on BasketBall. It’s main character was the Basketball LEGEND! The guy that NBA teams were scared shitless of the most! So much so that many of them had to invent strategies specifically to deal with Jordan ALONE! How much of a fucking beast did you have to be for teams to have strategies centered around taking YOU ALONE down!?
From all the reviews I’ve seen, no one comes close to discussing this one aspect of Space Jam. It was a movie centered around Basketball. No, instead they all focus on “it was a marketing campaign”. Yeah no, sorry you fucks have no interest in sports but… Space Jam was about sports! This is how we get to the complaints about Lola Bunny being nothing but sex because they failed to notice she was also the only fucking Looney Tune that could play ball! She didn’t get crushed by any of the Monstars, and dunked on em several times. OH SHIT, is that FEMALE EMPOWERMENT!? You mean women can be hot… AND STRONG!? What a revelation! I thought years of fighting games taught us this fact, but… gee idk. The outcasts are in charge of entertainment, and all they can think about is revenge against their tormentors that they literally lost their minds when they went and called Pepe Le Pew a Sex Offender. Everything about Space Jam centered around basketball. From the challenge to the Aliens because of their height, the Aliens stealing the talents of Charles Barkely, Patrick Erwin…. and 3 other guys who I don’t remember, including a token white guy because we can’t the black folks have too much fun. Bugs and Daffy going to fetch Jordan’s gear, the Looney Tunes actually practicing and training because their lives actually depended on winning the game, snatching up Michael Jordan to help them win the game, and actually PLAYING BASKETBALL, not this weird Mario Party bullshit where everyone has retarded superpowers out of nowhere. I mean… as a guy who has never been interested in Basketball, this is just insulting.

But you know what’s really insulting? People trying to imply Space Jam 2 is better than the first because *snickers*… Lebron James is a better actor than Michael Jordan! HA! In what regard!? Actually, don’t answer that! I’m just going to assume they’re saying this because Michael Jordan played a “serious” character where as Lebron acted like a bafoon. Because we don’t like “serious” shit anymore, doncha know!? Problem with that logic is that Michael Jordan presented a nice contrast to the rest of the movie which was fulltime silly, he was the character you were supposed to take seriously. Even when all the freaky shit starts happening to him like turning him into a basketball and bouncing him around, you’re thinking “HOLY SHIT, THEY’RE KILLING HIM!!!” But you know what else was better about Jordan’s character? He was fucking FEARLESS!!!! You see, when the Tune Squad was busy cowering in fear, Jordan was such a beast that he didn’t sweat at all in front of them! Even after getting turned into a human ball, he’s like “you guys made a big mistake!” I’m like “DAMN! MOTHER FUCKER IS A BEAST!” That’s some traumatic lookin shit, but he came out of that like “Huh huh, laugh while you can, bitches“. What does Lebron do when he first gets into the Warnerverse?

Oh no, we can’t be in here! We gotta get out!” or some shit like that. He comes off like a bitch! Jordan was a fearless BEAST! James was a bitch!

See the thing is Jordan’s character is the stoic type. He’s the hero. His job is to solve 2 problems. Recovering the talent of the 5 NBA players AND save the Looney Tunes from slavery. That’s his role. It’s one where he’s required to be serious. AND because it’s a Basketball movie, we actually get to see Jordan actually PLAYING Basketball and seeing the Tunes admire his craft. Because again, it’s about Basketball. You see, we don’t get on Jackie Chan for being a lousy actor (and he is), we just wanna see him kick ass. The same damn logic applies applies to Jordan. We care about seeing him dunk on bitches, not his acting cred. But for what it’s worth, he played his role well. His seriousness contrasted well with all the “looneyness“…. going on, and brings a sense of reality to the film. He plays the straight man to everyone’s… idk, fancy name for silly character attribute. Especially when he curses out Porky Pig for even DARING to suggest that they forfeit the game.

Look, I didn’t get dragged down here just to get my butt whooped by a bunch of aliens“! Fuckin A, man! You tell that future Bacon strip! See, you can take that remark seriously because Jordan WAS serious! I can’t take Lebron seriously at all because he plays a silly ass cartoon character for half the damn movie, and the other half acting like a confused court (pun) jester during the basketball half. Because he has to learn to have fun! Which means not playing basketball because no one gives a shit about Lebron’s skills as an NBA star. He is so far removed from the legend that Jordan is that I’m surprised they ever greenlit this bullshit. Is it true this guy faked an injury throughout an NBA season just so he could look more fantastic to win a championship? Sounds about right for black athletes today, they ain’t about shit but money. Look at Mayweather OH NOES!! I shouldn’t have said that! Back in the day, the likes of Ali, Fraiser, Tyson, Lenord and what not would rip Mayweather to shreds. Good for nothing, pampered fucks.

Now lets get on Bugs Bunny for a moment. You know the wildest shit I’ve been hearing? How the first Space Jam got the Tunes all wrong because… I guess Bugs didn’t typically kick their asses like he would for so many people? Well… 2 things. Most of Bugs’s enemies are fucking morons! The Aliens here are just a wee bit more clever than he would’ve enjoyed. The first time he did one of his routines, they nearly smoked his ass right then and there! Everytime Bugs thought up a plan against they aliens, they get one over him. So hell, it’s fair to say that Bugs’s usual shit wasn’t gonna work. Second of all…. you guys do know there’s more than one version of Bugs Bunny, right? We all know about the current iteration that’s all “super genius trickster rabbit”, but did you know about the angry, moronic, jealous rival of a turtle? Yeah, this version of Bugs Bunny appeared in less cartoons than the trickster, but this version usually got his ass kicked by a turtle. There was also this… clown thing that kicked his out while they were on a plane, I can’t remember the name of that short. But there were quite a few shorts of Bugs being on the receiving end of other tricksters. Same thing with Daffy Duck. We have the current iteration where he’s the butt monkey, but we also have his original version where he was just a carbon copy of Bugs Bunny. Or rather Woody Woodpecker. But even with all that…. how the fuck are any of the Looney Tunes characters… out of character? They’re silly, over the top, and they all have their usual schticks. I’m not seeing where this complaint is coming from, and I’m assuming they’re just making shit up to make the first film look somehow worse or on par with how terrible the current movie is. If anything, Bugs Bunny is more out of character in Space Jam 2 than he ever was in the original. But I suppose that makes sense seeing as the world they exist in is entirely made up. These are NOT the same characters from your favorite cartoons OR the original Tune Squad. The Squad we all know existed in a parallel universe that exists next door to the core of the Earth. These chumps were made up in a videogame. Yet for some reason, they try to convince you they’re the same fucking characters, are you kidding me!? Maybe it’s me not having watched enough cartoons, but I don’t ever recall granny pulling off acrobatics in any of them. She was just the caretacker of Tweety bird and Sylvester. She didn’t do anything other than just be that. Instead, she takes on the tropes of “cool granny” cliches that were only cool when the mother from Family Matters did it, but worn out it’s welcome after the Lorax fucked it up. Don’t get me started on Lola Bunny. Oh wait, they ruined her character years ago by turning her into Amy Rose. It’s ironic because these same assholes are gonna tell the negative crowd that they can’t criticize and take it seriously because “it’s a kids movie”, but they’ll turn around and talk about character inconsistencies from the first movie over Looney Tunes. Fuck the Toxic Positivity, these people live and breathe hypocracy.

You know what? Why don’t they ever use WITCH HAZEL!? If the Monstars and Goon Squad were allowed to cheat, then the bitch with actual magical powers is fair game! Or did Rosario Dawson ruin her character too? FUCK I miss the 90s!

Idk what it is anymore, guys. Generational differences… maybe? I don’t see how people can defend this movie even if they are younger and pretentious to the fucking core. It is rightfully called out for being nothing but a shameless cash grab, and there’s no arguing against that. People try to hype up it’s few ok qualities and using that to say it’s superior to the original, but it’s not working. Space Jam wasn’t “just” a simple marketing gimmick, and people used that argument to justify Bayformers too. Again, we come back to this argument. It’s not good because it’s good. It’s good because it’s “new”. If you call it Space Jam, it needs to center around Basketball featuring the Looney Tunes. I don’t care about Game of Thrones, and you shove that fucking dragon everywhere for some reason like that’s supposed to make me care. It’s a fucking regular ass dragon, not Fin Fang Foom. Lola’s character is ruined because it’s not a Basketball movie, so her inclusion is 100% obligatory. She was introduced as a brand new character, and was significant in that she could actually ball. There’s no point to her in this movie as a result. Not that it would matter, the Goon Squad cheats over and over and over again so there’s no real Basketball game happening. It’s just ass pull after ass rap. Why the fuck did they stop the whole movie for a rap battle!? A RAP BATTLE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH fuck!

Speaking of rap, the original movie had the BOMB soundtrack! They went all OUT for that movie! “Fly like and Eagle… to the Sea! Fly like an eagle, let the spirits carry me, I wanna fllllllllllllllllly. Oh yeah! Fly right into the future!” Seal could murder everything in the studio, goddamn. Crazy, Kissed by a Rose, that man deserved more. BUt yeah, I don’t get it anymore. People are literally trying to find every single flaw that they can in the original movie because they relate to Dom James. Yeah, I can pull arguments out of my ass too. “Out of character”, what the fuck are you watching? Probably misinterpreted the movie just like you misinterpreted Peppy la Pew.

It’s like… they took the whole “Boomer” thing and went out of control with it. They hate older fans of anything and will do everything they can resist and dispute them and their opinions simply because, in their minds, everyone else is just clouded by nostalgia. That’s not it at all. We understand what made old movies special. The people behind them all had a semblance of an artistic soul. That had a visionary spark. Something that they masterfully channeled into their works. Space Jam 2 epitomizes everything wrong with modern cinema. There is zero soul. It is just money. All of it is money. Say what you will about the 80s Transformers movie, it was about the fucking Transformers, and people FELT when Prime dies. You felt NOTHING when he died in Bayformers 2. A lot of people like to say that Space Jam is just a product of the times. Well, at least we can say that it’s more than just a “product”. The movies are all about being treated like product. That’s why the MCU is so bloated and full of trash movies that repeat the same routine. I hate the notion these people have when they say shit was a product of their times. It’s at this point that people do nothing but point out what tropes, ideas, and special represent the worst of an era… when the era we currently live has movies without a soul? Even Pixar movies have lost their spark, and are all about selling product. Everything has to be a comedy, and everything has to be 100% aware of what it is. Everything is a parody, nothing is allowed to be serious or deep. We reject the mere notion of seriousness. Hey, it’s just a kids movie.

The times we have will be remembered as a soulless era, where movies and tv shows are made simply to push product and do nothing else. But you all wanna start looking bad and shitting on an era that produced the Lion King, The Prince of Egypt, The Matrix, Blade, and every other icon you can think of? Do as you please. At least people will remember that era more fondly than they will today.

I just realized something. In Sonic and the Black Knight, Galahad is Silver the hedgehog, while Lancelot is Shadow the Hedgehog. In the Arthurian legends, Galahad was the bastard son of Lancelot. So… they’re implying that Silver is the bastard son of Shadow? Neat.


As a person who’s only recently gotten into the Yakuza series, and barely invests in it after several years, I’m certain there are many who would rush to defend their oh so perfect franchise from the dregs of non-fans like me. It’s only fair, I do the same for non-Sonic/Resident Evil fans myself. Can’t say much for Pokemon anymore since it, apparently, can do no wrong. I recall having barely anything good to say about Yakuza 0. A game that, from recent memory, has received nothing but praise from fans and critics alike merely for having a lot of shit to do, and having a good story. With high marks like that, I’m once again reminded of the title I made for my blog. I cannot ever imagine how 2 giant mafia organizations could fight and kill each other over a tiny back alley. No matter how the game tries to sell it, the fact of the matter is that the Tojo clan controlled most of the city to the point that they did not need to worry about a back alley at all. But they did for… reasons, and so we go back and forth between 2 parallel storylines that do all they can to misdirect the audience from figuring out the story all too well.

Considering that this was my first real taste of the Yakuza series (I’m sure Dead Souls doesn’t count), I was just about ready to quit the series right there. 0 simply wasn’t good. It was a messy, grindy experience from start to finish. I’m assuming that Yakuza 6, a game that came out before 0, was so terrible that 0 came out smelling like roses. It’s not a good excuse, but there it is. The combat was ass, the minigames were tedious, and the pacing was so slow, I think I’m still playing it. Who’s the genius that thought forcing the player to switch back and forth between 2 characters that you had to micromanage… was a good idea? Fuck having a choice in the matter like you would for a Sonic game when you had interconnected stories and what not, lets make switching up after 2 chapters mandatory, that way you get invested in one story only to be stripped away from it for 2 long chapters. Probably the only decent thing in Yakuza 0 was Pocket Circuit. Oh amma, that Pocket Circuit was the SHIT!

Despite these greveinces, I took a chance and checked out Kiwami which was a remake of the first game. And it was FUCKING AWESOME in comparison! Combat was refined, the story was actually focused and stayed on course without diversions such as real estate and Cabaret Clubs, and better music… unless you’re a fan of the karaoke shit, then you’re assed out. Kiwami was a FUN game in comparison to the slow paced and grindy Yakuza 0. You didn’t have to grind funds just to upgrade your character (as that meant the amount of money you get would be slow without the shitty minigames, forcing you to play and learn them to save time), and it kept Pocket Circuit so I didn’t have to go back to Zero for it. It was an overall enjoyable experience!

So I figured I’d give Kiwami 2 a shot. Afterall, with such a huge improvement with the first Kiwami, this was bound to be just as good!

Goddamn do I hate being wrong.

I’m not sure what happened between the development of Kiwami 1 and 2, or perhaps it was the nature of how the original game was made in comparison, but Kiwami 2 is… just… awful! It makes me want to pull a spoony and take back every bad thing I said about Zero, but is impossible to do because Kiwami 1 already exists, and has most of what I cared about from Zero without the shitty grind fest and awful minigames. It’s like Sega (typically) saw that they improved too much from Zero and decided to poop on the next game in order to make a turned based combat system look better in comparison (Btw, fuck you Sega for making the rest of the series a turn based RPG for no other reason than it’s easier to design). According to everyone, a lot of the changes to how the game works comes as a result of utilizing the “Dragon Engine” for this game. Because nowadays, every gaming engine has to be named after the games they’re built for if only to not be whored out like the Unreal Engine. All this tells me is that this game is held back for the sake of a gaming engine. But according to those same fans, this really shouldn’t be the case because this same engine was used for a previous Yakuza game… I guess, meaning they had enough time to not make it shitty. Unfortunately, this is Sega we’re talking about, and even with a series they actually care about, they’re cutting some corners anyway. It’s… what they do.

Well lets start off with the good stuff, what little there is. Entering buildings doesn’t require a load screen. It’s probably the only real improvement with the downside of making the framerate slower to compensate for the data caps. You can escape from battles if you don’t feel like wasting time, which is nice.


Eating food has more benefits than just healing. That’s nice…

Oh hey, Virtual-On! That would be nice if this was the Orataro Tangram game. Eww Virtua Fighter. Could’ve had House of the Dead 1 if they wanted to be real generous, or Sega Sonic Arcade. Or Sonic Championship. Or Panzer Dragoon. Or Crazy Taxi. Or Chu Chu Rocket. Virtua Fighter is shit!

That’s… literally all that’s good about this game. How unfortunate. Lets dig in.

The story in this game is an unbelievable bore, even when compared to Zero. Much of this I would attribute to everyone’s names being easy to forget (thanks to nearly all of them starting with a “K” like Kiryu, Kashiwagi, Kaoru, Komaki, Kazuki, Kazama, etc.) but that would be silly. I would guess this has more to do with the fact that the main characters have much less personal connection to it than they did in the previous 2 games. Much of what made Kiwami 1’s story so fascinating was that, yes, the character you played had all the personal stake in it. Especially if you’re coming off of Zero. In Zero, you see Kiryu and Nishiki as these friends who deal with the trials and tribulations of being Yakuza. Zero had a shit story, but they established a few key things that made Kiwami all the better for it. Seeing Kiryu and Nishiki turn into enemies… you feel that shit, especially when they delved into why Nishiki became evil in the first place.

The character you play becomes your gateway to the game’s world. In large part, having a story that they have a personal stake in makes the game’s story much easier to soak in because you’re thinking “yeah, this is MY journey!” It’s why Namco sucks when it comes to character creation, your character is a spectator throughout.

So in Kiwami 2, after 2 games where Kiryu had a personal stake in, he becomes something akin to a spectator. The story involves the Tojo Clan’s war against a Korean Mafia, the Jinweong. None of this involves Kiryu in anyway aside from one small detail that almost feels like they were admitting they made a mistake by not having Kiryu being more involved with the plot. Here’s the problem. The real main character is this detective named Kaori Sayami. She doesn’t get introduced until 2-3 chapters into the game, and if you’re coming off of the last 2 games, this gets real jarring real quick. The game starts off with Kiryu getting roped into a war between the Tojo Clan and the Omi Alliance, a war that’s being instigated by Ryuji Goda, a character I only recognize because he had a machine gun arm in the Zombie game, and looks like a discount Geese Howard on the cover. You’re here thinking that the game is about this gang war that kicks off almost immediately. But AS SOON as Sayami is introduced, the game takes an extended break from the gang war to deal with Sayami, Date from the last game who looks weirdly younger than before, and ANOTHER detective who has a murder boner going on. The game focuses strictly on these detectives to the point that it becomes extremely boring. The game misleads you into the Tojo-Omi war, and then ignores it for several chapters, barely even mentioning it until halfway through the game… before taking yet ANOTHER extended break from it.

Here’s the problem. When the main antagonist of the game is BARELY in the game, you start losing interest. When the opening story of the game (Gang War) feels as though it was hijacked by these brand new characters who had nothing to do with the games that came before, you lose all interest. It doesn’t help that Sayami is a really pushy bitch in the beginning before she’s forced into being a love interest for Kiryu… which is creepy because she’s literally half his age (seriously, she wasn’t even born when Kiryu was a “TEENAGER!”). As was the case in Zero, the Korean Mafia connection doesn’t reach it’s full connection to the Japanese Gang War until the ass end of the game when they start pulling plot details right out of their asses. Oh Terada who was the fifth chairman of the Tojo Clan was actually a Korean Mafia survivor, and we’re supposed to believe Kiryu didn’t remember that detail!? Everyone who isn’t an idiot could’ve figured out Goda and Sayami were both Korean Mafia survivors, but Terada was the biggest asspull I’ve ever seen thus far from this series, and I’m still spinning my head from the “it’s just allergies” thing from Dead Souls.

Speaking of hijacking the plot, there were 2 segments in the game that literally had NOTHING to do with the main plot… period. One segment dealt with the son of the Florist which sounded like a bunch of lecturing about the obligation to be a wage slave, and the other seemed to have been included only to give an explanation as to why Haruka becomes a Japanese Pop Idol later on in the series (I think). These 2 segments could’ve been side quests! You did not have to use them as excuses to pad out an already long game! The first one merely comes off as pretentious, and the second… just exists! Actually, no. There were 4 segments of plot hijacking! The other 2 existed for the same reason they did in Zero! To introduce SHITTY MINIGAMES! Oh lawd, they brought back the pimp game of Cabaret Clubs! The other is an RTS IE Majima Construction! I already own Bladestorm, if I wanted to play an RTS, I’d go to that piece of crap if it didn’t shut off my console randomly! It feels like all the issues Zero had has come back with a vengeance. You do not have to hijack the game and force us to play these damn minigames, having to suffer through more cutscenes that have nothing to do with the actual plot. Shit like this needs to stop! If you want to show off your damn minigames, keep them to sidequests or to things out of the way of the story. Do you know how LONG one segment of Cabaret or Majima Construction battle is!? Funny how the one fun minigame they had for the last 2 games (Pocket Circuit) did NOT hijack the plot, but was FAR MORE ENJOYABLE than these 2 wastes of space, and didn’t take more than 5 minutes to complete.

Sure I may not be invested in the main story, but don’t use THAT as an excuse to make me play anything shittier than the main game. Speaking of which, lets get on that!

One thing that’s instantly noticeable is that the game now runs at 30fps which chaps my ass to no end as it makes the game feel slower overall. Yeah yeah, “dragon engine”, a cheap excuse to cut corners. This dragon engine doesn’t really make the game look all that much better, so all they really had to do was tweek w/e they were using before, and there wouldn’t have been any issues. I’d assume with all the content that was cut out, they’d have more than enough experience to make the game run faster. But w/e, I’m not a programmer so I don’t know how much of a nightmare that is. But tell me, fanboys. What excuse do the programmers have to make Kiryu WALK BY DEFAULT!?

Here’s the thing. Kamurocho and Sotenbori are both pretty big and labrynthian. So naturally, you’re going to want to move fast to get from place to place without too much of a slog. So… having it where you can only walk by default makes the game feel much longer than it should be. But… that’s what they did! So now I have to hold down that fucking X button just to run everywhere, it feels like a chore! You can cheat this by finding some chumps to fight, and then use that to get to places faster since in battle, you run by default, and you’re not constrained in battles like before so you can run for a long period of time before said chumps give up on chasing you. But who the hell wants to do that all the time!? Enemy spawns are plentiful, so it’s not too much of a hassle, but again, you shouldn’t have to do this if you want to get to places faster. This becomes far more irritating when you get to actual missions that require you to jump back and forth between long ass distances like they do in EVERY OPEN WORLD CITY GAME EVER MADE! I don’t know WHY developers do this shit every single time, ugh! Backtracking through an open world city only makes that city tedious to trek through! And considering that Kamurocho is the main setting in every Yakuza game, this shit should NOT be the norm! It just exacerbates the problem of having to walk by default, and not having a faster means of transportation outside of exploiting battles and spending money on taxis… that you have to get to first. Running via holding X is not fun, AND because this mechanic runs on the same logic as sprinting, IE you have invisible stamina, you have to take breaks in between sprinting just to keep going, which is a distinction without difference.

So what about combat? Well folks, they managed to make it completely shit this time around. I would assume the excuse here is that “well they wanted this game to be much closer to the original game, so they removed all the alternate fighting styles, and kept everything strictly to the Dragon Style since that was the original fighting style used by Kiryu in every single game“. Ok, that’s fine, and it certainly makes the grind less of a slog by only focusing on one style. There’s only one problem with that.


Kiryu fights as though he has arthritis in his limbs! Idk what it is, even after leveling up all of his battle skills, Kiryu’s attacks often leave him open to be ruined by everyone around him. All of his attacks have obnoxiously long recovery times that are never mitigated by his skill trees. Even the skills that claim to increase his attack speed don’t do anything of worth. So what happens is that you’ll find yourself attacking once or twice, then backing off, then attacking again. The reason being is that enemies often seem to attack you when you are not in any position to dodge or counter them. They also have the curse of attacking you offscreen, and have the new and annoying ability to kick debris in your face OVER AND OVER AGAIN! So you’re constantly having to rely on hit and run tactics in order to do anything substantial, and even then, it might not be enough.

Dodging attacks has been nerfed, and even leveling up his dodging skills barely mitigate this. When dodging attacks means you can only move like… 1cm away from some shit, you have royally fucked up the game! When enemies are aggressive and can attack you when you least expect it, dodging is integral to your survival. So by making dodging shit, you must now rely on guarding attacks, and even THAT is a crapshot. Guarding only works from Kiryu’s front, so you want to make sure no enemies are behind you when you are blocking attacks. Otherwise, you are STILL open for an ass whoopin. The game basically neutered your combat abilities, and there’s no way to mitigate this. You’re left to just mash your way to victory.
The only real silver lining is that all of your attacks do more damage outside of heat actions, meaning battles are shorter if not far more tedious and annoying. You also have a heat mode, but you’re better off conserving that for heat actions and counter attacks which deal twice as much damage. Basically, you have more damaging attacks and heat actions, but ways to AVOID damage have been nerfed significantly. This is the game’s way of telling you how it wants to be played. If you want to win all of your battles, you have to tank shit. Upgrade everything in regards to strength and durability, but don’t bother with anything that increases your ability and technique. I could talk about the five experience currencies you have to grind out, but honestly, it’s so negligible that you’ll be able to level up everything without ever running out of these currencies. It seems like an afterthought.

I’m sure there are a hundred explanations the fans could come up with that would justify this nonsense. “OH IT TAKES MORE STRATEGY NOW, ISN’T THAT GOOD!?” However, the only thing that comes to mind is that people bitched about Kiwami 1 aping everything they loved about Zero, which chaps my ass because that should be something we encourage. If you love a game, you should want that shit to stay the course in future games. Improving Zero’s combat made the combat fucking amazing in my book. But I guess Yakuza fans don’t play Yakuza for the combat. They play for the minigames, sidequests, and whatever other goofy shit they can meme online. Unfortunately for them, the rest of the game’s content doesn’t exist.

The Sidequests are nowhere near as interesting as before, and most of the side material exists to fellate Yakuza Zero, even when it doesn’t make sense. That old purple haired tiger should be dead by now, I don’t care. Majima’s little saga exists to tie up the loose end with his formerly blind love interest (which is, again, the only interesting story in a game where both Kiryu and Majima are playable), and again, the damn cabaret clubs. It seems… out of place to force Kiryu into doing what Majima did in Zero, but w/e. Zero is overrated now so game has to fanservice. The pervy videos are back, except now they’re just another version of those call centers where you have to match up the sentences in the right way, even though all I’m gonna do is demand tits anyway.

Besides that, the sidequests all start to blend together and get repetitive. Everyone seems to have massive money problems. Everyone’s always in debt for one reason or another. Or a guy in a relationship is often scorned by others for various reasons, but they often boil down to “they’re just idiots“. It gets to a point where the game takes a mild feminist undertone when you have female NPC’s that make equally bad decisions, but are treated as poor and unfortunate souls in comparison, while the male NPC’s are derided completely. I guess in Japan, women are expected to make stupid decisions while men are expected to be smarter than the average bear or something. It becomes nauseating after a while. Why is it always the game companies that faced bankruptcy and financial failures in the past that always seem to be the ones that lecture people about handling money and practicing good business!? That shit makes up at least half of the sidequests in the game. Not to mention that for most of them, you’re often having to backtrack long distances to complete them, which… again, goes back to the problem of default walking.

Aside from that, you also have something called “Bouncer Missions” which are basically short stages where you kill everyone in sight. This would be fine if combat wasn’t ass. They brought Mahjong back as well. Yay, that game that’s too hard to play because they expect me to memorize indistinguishable calligraphy pictures. Joy. They took out bug battle because boners are a poor excuse to play guessing games. The crane game still exists, and it still cheats. Dart throwing still exists, and I still couldn’t give 2/5ths of a fuck about dart throwing. I’d rather play the ping pong from Dead Souls. Fuck, that song is still in my head! How’s it go?

Gotta go! Gotta go! Out of the… time? Until the break of dawn, just keep on dancing!” Idk the lyrics, it was just catchy as hell! Speaking of music… it’s mediocre. They added a lot of crappy J-Rock near the end of the game, and most of the music sounds more appropriate for Dynasty Warriors than it does Yakuza. Infact, I’ve actually seen clips of the original Yakuza 2, and certain scenes had it’s music altered. For one, the scene where Kiryu gets stabbed by a hobo had a nice little jazz tune synced up with all the events happening. In Kiwami 2, they replaced it with this zoomer ass J-Rock shit that would make even the most rational Sonic fans go “Ow the Edge!” I assume Yakuza 2 is supposed to be the darkest, most dramatic game in the series, and if that’s the case, the remake fails to capture it’s essence. The music choices really don’t fit the tone of the game most of the time. Not that it matters since the game doesn’t really leave an impression on you like the previous games did.

Aside from all of that, Kiwami 2 is just… well… a drag. It’s story isn’t engaging, the gameplay is neutered, the side content is depressing and repetitive, and the minigames are just as crappy as the previous ones. The GOOD minigames are nowhere to be found, and the game does everything it can to fellate Zero as much as possible. By far, it’s the worst Yakuza game I’ve ever played. Pretty sure it fails as a remake as well. I’ll say this much. Much as I detest Zero, it did not deter me from playing anymore games in the series. As shit as Kiwami 2 is, I dread the rest of the series… even though 3-5 were merely ported to PS4, though fans seem to be split on those games, and the consensus on 6 is that “shit” has no better name. But considering that so far, I’ve only enjoyed the games that everyone hates, idk. I suppose everyone’s reason for liking Zero is that you had a lot of shit to do. For me, that’s simply not good enough if the game isn’t fun to play. It’s kinda like how Tekken players used to hype up how characters had hundreds of moves even though the vast majority of them simply weren’t good. You’re only ever going to enjoy one or 2 things from these games anyway. The way I see it, the primary engagement one has with these games is the combat, so it needs to be fucking good! Otherwise, it’s going to be a drag no matter how much goofy shit you cram into the game.

You’ll have to forgive my rather abrupt absence. I was busy with a family beef that, somehow, centered around these damned jabs. It’s become apparent that if you watch enough CNN, FOX, or any other network that caters to a partizan mindset (I think I just spelled a weapon name), you too can become a brainwashed cultist indistinguishable from the owners of hybrid cars, and rugged elderly military retirees. It seems one man’s prediction of a divided society was correct in that thy entire family has turned against me, becoming the very vapid and conceited dipshits you find in every corner of the internet who do nothing but mock people for merely having the testicular fortitude to question narratives. I should be used to this as an outsider, but when an experimental drug becomes the root cause of any significant division, it becomes mentally and emotionally draining when even your own family turns into a mindless horde patting themselves on the back for getting something entirely for free. The thought of waiting for them all to perish as a result of their hubris should not be so enticing, but I’m beyond the point of caring. Ironically, these same assholes demand that you respect their decision, but have no such consideration for your own.

There was a point in time that the common people were actually unified in thought on all points except racial. We all knew that we were all getting screwed over by the government, and even when some people tried to manifest arguments out of their asses, all had a universal agreement in that the day congress got reemed was indeed a fun if not necessary evil. The government does the most harm, thus no one but the elderly care if they get a few bruises. Fast forward 2 seasons later, and the populous is divided over experimental drugs. But there is something very very distinguishable between the 2 factions. The anti-drug faction comes off very civil, asking very rational questions, and having a mature discourse on the matters of how a “something” benefits or deprives the whole collective. The pro-drug faction, on the other hand, questions nothing, completely accepts what is being given to them, and most damning of all, openly mocks and ridicules the other faction entirely, dismissing their inquiries, and writing them off as conspiracy theorists, kooks, or nutcases.

Now, this isn’t simply me disparaging one group over the other because I happen to be in one camp. I say this because this is a pattern of behavior anytime a divide comes between a community. You can see this in entertainment communities where the “Negative” faction openly questions and criticizes the work in question, and the “Positive” faction openly questions and criticizes the Negative faction entirely. Rarely do they ever defend the work from criticism, or even try to bring up positives to disprove their criticism. They simply attack the negative faction.

How many times have you watched a video of a person criticizing Nintendo only to have that person downvoted and spammed with comments regarding how idiotic he or she is? This pattern of behavior where the “positive” crowd is often far more, if not exclusively, antagonistic toward those they deem “negative”, is far too common, no? This is because unlike the Negative side, the Positive side often see themselves to be above others. They did something that the collective societal mechanisms dictate to them is acceptable. Connosiers of entertainment are basically dictated to consume as much entertainment as possible because… you get to show off your collections and your reviews on social media, increasing your profile and giving you money which people will then praise you for being smarter than the dregs who work a wage job. The opposite occurs for people praising others for working a traditional job and not working extra hard for a job that offers no benefits, yadda yadda yadda. All this does is inflate the egos of people who often have no reason to fight each other over and over again, but people do so anyway because the society (at least that of America) tells you that it is in your best interest to compete with each other no matter how insignificant of an issue.

This all starts back when you are young. You’re shitting your diapers, crying immensely, having no ability to walk, you are obviously in no position to dictate anything. You don’t know anything. Everything is a new experience. Hell, you can barely see anything when you first arrive. Get a little older, get some height on yah, walk around a bit, and you start wanting to explore the world itself. But alas, it’s too dangerous for you to go alone because for obvious reasons, you cannot defend yourself. So you rely on the people who gave birth to you to raise you and teach you about the world itself. Not only them, but an entire village. So a “society”. You have an entire collective that instills in the child all sorts of values, but in the end, only the child can choose what values to take in and leave out. The values that people instill are extremely broad and range from a number of categories, but most can be boiled down to 3. Emotional, Egotistical, and Intellectual.

Emotional Values, usually spawned from religious communities, teach empathy and the value of helping other people. It’s mostly idealistic in how doing the greater good for people will be the most beneficial in the end. Advocating for all human rights regardless if the parties in question are criminals. In their mind, they want to do good even if the actions necessary are irrational and harmful at best. Also more likely to cry from movies.

Egotistical Values teach competition and the value of dominating people. There is more concern in improving one’s self image and increasing one’s profile than there is at helping anyone. Aggression is the name of the game. They’re often the one’s being “brutally honest” and have an unnatural inclination to judging everyone, sizing everyone up, and discerning who the weakest link is in every environment. Their only goal is self-gratification above all else whether it’s entertainment, competition, or sex. Also more likely to be bullies.

Intellectual Values are much less instilled than they are acquired, usually from poor social experiences with others of the same age group. They often take the role of “observer” and distance themselves from the rest of society, instead preferring to analyze the world around them. They look at everything with a critical eye, and will likely find more problems than not, usually finding patterns that may or may not be conducive to their survival. They are more likely to be outcasts of society, instead wishing to challenge societal norms as being counterproductive to normal human flourishing. Their main goal is survival first and foremost, avoiding anything and everything that could be a threat to them. Also more likely to be addicted to nerd shit.


3 goals from 3 groups that, while not mutually exclusive from each other, are often incompatible with each other. The Emotional will be combative with the Egotistical and the Intellectual for seeing people as “things” or cogs in a machine to either be dealt with or avoided, the intellectual will see the Egotistical and Emotional as things that will either kill them or get them killed from some rash action, and the Egotistical will see the Emotional and Intellectual as weaklings to manipulate or dominate. There will always be a clash of ideas, opinions, and what may have you because each have a very unique way of looking at life.

Despite this, all groups of different values can still find some common ground and be of benefit to each other. The Egotistical and the Intellectual both can share ideas of how to help themselves and survive in a cruel and harsh world, the Egotistical and Emotional can both teach each other of how best to handle different situations with whether or not a compassionate or aggressive approach is necessary, and the Emotional and Intellectual groups can both find solutions to problems that continue to plague our sad little lives.

Now, it would be one thing if these groups got into nonsensical arguments over their own differences, but it’s another when you have a higher power that deliberately fosters a conflict between for the specific purposes of keeping them from uniting.

Lets put it this way. The intellectual group is an observer. They look for patterns and try to find a correlation between them, just out of habit. They are compelled to dig deeper into rabbit holes. It’s what they do. And usually, it’s these people that find out what the hell is actually going on in the world. The Egotistical and Emotional groups are geared towards helping others or helping themselves. Thus, you have 2 groups that are geared toward human and social interaction, while the other simply isn’t. The former 2 groups usually do not care to think critically about anything that isn’t of “immediate” importance to their personal lives. Indeed, while the emotional group wishes they could help the world, at some point they realize they have their limits and only do what they can for their immediate space. Thus, both of these groups see problems purely from the surface. They don’t make it a habit of recognizing patterns, domino effects, or long term problems. They’re concerned with the now. The intellectual tends to think years ahead of potential problems. They see the patterns, they see the inconsistencies, they see probabilities, they see the holes in arguments, they see the strange behaviors.

So 2 groups only think of short term issues, while the latter thinks of long term issues.

Because of this, the former 2 groups both have a tendency to “resist” thinking years ahead of time. It is something they cannot see now, thus it is a waste of their time. They only think of what happens in the present as the present is currently what they are living. They are only concerned with the now. This automatically puts them at odds with the Intellectual who are usually obsessed with the future. Potential, possibility, if they can affect what happens 50 years down the road, they want to do things now to ensure that future. The Ego and the Emo knows only what is happening before their eyes, and usually act on what they see from the surface. No analysis needed.

Case in point, of course, the pandemic.

The Ego and the Emo would have this way of thinking. “I want this whole mess to be over. I will do anything to get this over with! I want to go to bars, I want to go to sporting events, I want to go to clubs, I want to go on vacation, I want to get laid! I’m sick of staying home, we’re literally killing our families and committing suicide just by having to interact with them more often! I want things to go back to the way they were! I don’t care what it takes!” The Ego and the Emo thrive on social interaction even when there is little to none. They enjoy the mere company of others. All these events, all these stores, all these bars, these are heavy areas of social interaction, these are social environments. They want to be around people, they love people (for the most part). For them, being around people is pure bliss.
For the Intellectual, they tend to introvert. Being around people is unpleasant. Crowded. Noisy. Uncomfortable. They prefer non-social environments. Even if it means resorting to movies or videogames for an abnormal amount of time. In this case, these people would be able to wait out a lockdown or 2 if need be as they don’t value social interaction as much as the other groups do.

Thus we have a clash in their responses that border on the extreme. There was a story of a woman on a beach who was called a “menace to society” for being unvaccinated. Why would one go so far to declare such?

By not doing their own research and seeing what their actions may do in the future, they surrender control to those that do, and let a higher power dictate to them what the world is. The intellectual would challenge that higher power at all costs. The reason is simple. The Ego and the Emo thrive on human interaction. The Intellectual was rejected and expelled from human interaction, thus any adherence to human interaction is of no benefit to them. Hell, human interaction is threatening to them.

No side is right or wrong in their assertions. Lets be clear on that. Different perspectives from different experiences and/or upbringings shouldn’t be regarded or discarded outright, but I digress. Because the intellectual makes it a habit to challenge that higher power, the higher power will see the intellectual as a threat. Thus a system of social control is put in place where certain groups are rewarded while the other is punished just for being who they are.

We see this in entertainment where, regardless of portrayal, certain groups or personality types are valued while other groups are maligned. They are exaggerated to fit a certain narrative. Most kids shows star a character that exhibits traits of the Ego or the Emo. I don’t recall anything other than Dexter’s Lab to have the intellectual as the main character, though when they do, they often portray the intellectual as being heavily flawed. He or she will often have an exaggerated sense of self-importance which is played for comical effect. If not the main character, they are the buttmonkey of the group. Oftentimes, the Ego is the unstoppable badass. The Emo is roped into some silly romance story, and often the Intellectual (“Int” is a silly abbreviation if you ask me) is just a flawed individual who has to overcome his or her own flaws. The most recent film that comes to mind is Trolls (pardon the example). The guy who always prepared for the orcs or ogres return was the outcast, but mostly because he himself kept casting shade on everyone else for being carefree party goers. So the movie was mostly about him having to overcome his own faults to be a part of the Emo crowd. Being who he is was treated as a flaw.

You could also make the case for Spiderman. The only time many of us knew Spiderman as the Intellectual outcast was the Sam Raimi Trilogy. Otherwise, 90s kids grew up with Patrick Swayze wannabe Peter Parker in the cartoons. 2000s kids had Spiderman in college hanging out with all the cool kids and sex bombed Mary Jane. 2010s kids had Andrew Garfield Spiderman who was literally too cool to be Peter Parker. Lets not even start with Spiderfan over in the MCU. I did not watch Spectacular Spiderman so I cannot speak for it. But the idea is simple. Everything that made Spiderman unique in a sense from other superheroes was stripped away and geared towards the cool kids for them to relate to. Even the 616 Spiderman started looking grizzled and “heroic” in the 90s.

The point I’m trying to make is that the Intellectual characters are presented as being of virtually no value to anyone, and are utterly deserving of all the scorn in the world. If they do not possess the traits of the Ego and the Emo, or do not strive to possess those traits, they are bad, or “negative”. By portraying characters this way, you teach people how to respond and behave around people in real life. That’s when you can then start associating those value systems with politics, getting people to support a winning team by having people that exhibit charisma (geared towards Ego), and promising a bunch of useless programs to help anyone they care to name (Geared toward Emo), and when a scandal or controversy surfaces, they start attacking “conspiracy theorists” (attacking Intellectuals). Say, wasn’t there a movie with Mel Gibson called “Conspiracy Theory”?

So you have your system in place which does everything it can to marginalize one value system and reward others based on “feel good” logic. You make certain people feel good about their decisions, harmful or otherwise, so that they don’t second guess their situation or stance in life. You make others feel like shit so that they question everything that went wrong in their life. It’s how the entertainment overlords managed to get fanbases to attack each other and screw everyone out of money and substance, and it’s how the government and media has gotten people to attack each other over the jab. You have an entire media apparatus geared towards making the Ego and the Emo feel extremely good about taking the jab, while marginalizing those who rejected it outright. Just recently, you had Bastard Devil Biden declaring the unvaccinated to be far more dangerous to society than the virus itself. Aside from his new crime bill, his language use is delightfully dangerous. You also have to love how completely one-sided the discussion is on the vaccines as well, ignoring the FDA’s newest warnings on the vax, but this is how we get to the current situation at hand.

You’ve turned the matter of a public health crisis into a skinner box… or are at least in the process of doing so. This is how you have incredible workers being ejected from their jobs over an experiment. This is how you tear families apart. Make one side feel good about marginalizing the other, and you won’t have to lift a finger. Train the society to marginalize themselves. Break any form of unity that could occur. Get the minds to enslave themselves. All that jazz.

And eventually… creating a society where people are divided based on vaccine status. Bathrooms being exclusive to ProVax or NoVax. Restaurants and whatnot. Outdoor jobs or jobs where you don’t have to deal with people will be exclusive to NoVax. Retail work or jobs of interaction for the ProVax. Hmm… that last part might not be so bad. 😛 Fuck people, giving me a chainsaw to fuck up trees!

*sighs* I apologize. I try not to “blog” in the sense of turning a post into a diary, but shit is getting out of hand as of late.

Well, it’s something I expected to be an underwhelming slog. Just the extent of which I’ve never expected. Even so, unlike that dreaded Castlevania series, it’s actually not horrible.

As it is only 4 episodes long, there, again, isn’t a whole lot to touch upon. The only interesting thing is the ending where it seems that Leon and Claire are no longer on good terms with each other.

Leon seems unusually cold compared to…. all of his other incarnations (apparently this is how he is in the Japanese versions of.. everything), and Claire apparently works for Terrasave before it was ever established, but also moonlights as a nosy investigative journalist.

From the sounds of it, this series begins the whole “Bioterror” saga of Resident Evil that encompasses RE5, 6, and both Revelations games. As usual, because no one’s gotten enough mileage off of the War on Terror, a guy named Jason was on tour in the most made up middle eastern nation of …. “Pimescastan” I don’t know what the hell it’s called. As usual, they go there and discover zombies everywhere, and connect the dots to America.

In the present day, Leon and 4 other douchebags are in charge of security for when President Graham (The Daddy of Jennifer Hale!) makes a speech no one cares about. On this team are Jason and Shen May, 2 veterans of the Pregananan Civil War. They have one zombie attack in the White House (I think) where Leon gets to introduce himself in the weakest way imaginable.

You know, Claire is BARELY in the damn show!

They go onto a sub, and Jason and Shen May sabotage it with infected rats.

“I wish I had cheese!”

Nah, you’ve got plenty of that, Leon! 😛 Seriously, that submarine attack should’ve been better!

After that, Jason tells Leon the truth about America’s involvement with Primiscera’s Civil War, and plans to take revenge. I’m guessing somewhere in here it was revealed that Jason was infected with something, but I damn near zoned out here. It’s kinda boring tbh. Anywho, here comes to typical “Join us or die, bitch!”, but Leon says “man fuck y’all”, and then he IMMEDIATELY shoots Jason dead. He chases Shen May to some… chinese place where they talk about details I clearly missed because… again… zoned out. Maybe the Chinese created the virus that America is using, idk. Something happens, and the Chinese place gets toasted. So now, Leon and Shen May go after Jason to stop him from kicking ass.

And then Claire gets kidnapped because she has a big mouth.

The President’s aide reveals to Claire that he wants WW3 so as to put Bioweapons on the market. Obviously. But then Jason attacks, and turns into Swamp Thing/Doomsday/Tyrant Green, and then Sulfiric Acid gets released into the area… for some reason, and Leon and Shen May have to stop him from…. just showing his face. Idk, something about making the world afraid of his ugly ass. So… they’re just trying to stop Jason from getting to the surface. Leon finds a random rocket launcher too, but that doesn’t work. Eventually, Leon and Claire (Shen May got her neck broken) drop Jason into the acid, killing him and saving Graham’s speech.

So… that’s a typical Resident Evil story. But the one thing that bothers me was that ending.

In RE6, Leon was in full support of Adam Benfort in revealing the truth of Raccoon City. Because why not? It’s only right. But here, Leon does not agree to Claire’s suggestion to reveal the bioweapons shit going on behind the scenes. Which is…. bizarre. After all the shit you’ve been through, you keep that shit to yourself!? Now this is some out of character shit to pull at the last minute! Oh don’t give me the whole “if we reveal this, the terrorists win!” bullcrap because of Jason talking all that “Fear” shit! You know damn well Leon would’ve jumped at the chance to expose the truth! What is this shit with him keeping Claire out of the loop and maintaining secrecy of Bioweapons in America!? Wasn’t Umbrella an Ameri… no wait, they were Europe based… but shit, it was their American division that pushed it all through!

This is absurd! Don’t… fuck up Leon, please! He’s literally the only real damn good character in the series, and now you want to pull this “Shade of Gray” nonsense!? NO! NO! NO!

Overall, Infinite Darkness is not Assholevania bad. It’s… NF Deathnote Bad.

Well no, that’s not accurate. It’s as dull as the CGI Resident Evil films.

If it’s anything, it’s evidence that Capcom does not know what to do with this series and is just pushing product for money. Infinite Darkness was so by the numbers and dull, you could call the plot from the very beginning of Episode 1. With the exception of the ending which leaves me befuddled (don’t fuck up Leon, damn you!), it’s a very predictable plot.

I wonder if this take on Leon is based on the vision of Simplygon. I can’t think of any other explanation for why they have Leon NOT siding with Claire.

Hard to believe mi pops wants to put a restraining order on me for being unvaccinated. Hell on Earth seems to be an adequate label these days.

Why does Sega enjoy the company of assholes?

So uh… little game I thought up! Lets play “SPOT THE PROVOCATION!“! The rules are simple! The first person to spot the exact reasoning for why a person responds to a message in such a passive aggressive manner wins…. something!

Lets begin!

First, the provoked response… in question!

Let us all vomit from the ass kissing of a guy who can’t voice act one role. Gweheheheheh!

This is what provoked said response.

So lets uh… review this. Some guy named “Matt-Uhl” said that this was likely RCS’s last job… in a manner that confirms nothing, but we know how the internet works. So it’s… a rumor for the most part. RCS, in his infinite wisdom, does NOT… I repeat… does NOT… confirm whether or not this is his last job (which adds fuel to the fire if we’re being honest), he instead throws around condescending labels for a broad number of websites (probably applying that to every pro-vax website on earth)… just because.

So friends! Where is the provocation for this remark!? Can ye find it?!

All I can insinuate is that perhaps he wanted to keep this a secret, and was pissed and shocked that someone unveiled it before he was ready to do so! That ol’ “discover truth by behavior” trick.

If this is a “last job”, that cannot be anything other than good news! We need less assholes voice actors, jeebus. Funimation is bad enough, it seems like the entire anime VA industry is taken over by self entitled dipshits with a superiority complex who believe because they have a job, they can act out in a manner that would get a regular person’s ass kicked. But because this is Sonic Twitter, a landscape dominated by lost souls, he can get away with it. While this isn’t the worst shit he’s spouted, it’s telling how insecure he is.

That French guy who did the voice of Gai from GaoGaiGar would be a better voice for Sonic at this point… if he’s still alive.


Sonic Twitter: *Creams themselves* “OMG RCS is sooo cool how he lashes out at random people for second hand information!! His jerk ass tendencies are why he deserves to be Sonic! Not that other guy who actually EARNED the role and got snubbed by Sega, oh no! The guy with the 40yo+ helium voice is SOOOO MUCH BETTER!”

Piracy (Disney)

Disney’s epic scheme unfolds!

Shouts out to Bill Cosby! No fucks given to the whores that railroaded him into prison.

Ever since Disney’s latest stunt of messing with people for having fanart related to the mythical god “Loki”, I and a few others came to a rather disturbing conclusion that may or may not be just another case of overthinking things. That Disney could be using Marvel to steal ancient mythologies. Or at least make it nigh impossible for others to create any works involving ancient mythology. It maybe silly to think, but this is a company that tried to patent a Swahili phrase “Hakuna Matata” just because it was in the Lion King. A media megalith so powerful that they can change city laws on a whim. We shouldn’t expect any less. For all we know, they used Marvel to acclimate people to the idea of buying out Fox just so they could get X-Men and Fantastic Four into the MCU. Damn near got people WISHING they could buy out Sony to keep Spider-Man (Good luck with buying out a Japanese company, dipshits). If anything, Disney has displayed a terrifying ability to get people onboard with supporting their corruption if only because they want specific content. A perfect encapsulation of how the gaming industry got gamers onboard with their BS as well!

I’ve spent the better part of the last 2 weeks (I shit you not) looking up anymore information about this, and came up short. Many people leveling blame at the websites for jumping the gun out of fear of Disney’s legal department. But that by itself is telling. That mere fucking fear is enough to get this kind of ball rolling? In any case, I ended up just finding videos about why copyrights suck major doo doo and why they should be abolished. Well… not that latter part, but there were some serious implications where copyrights and IP were far more problematic than not. I’m not gonna get into the slippery slopes of that topic as I’m not at all the most well versed in the subject of why Copyright is now suddenly evil, but there was something else I picked up on from those vids.

The idea of Piracy being some sort of outlet, or a vague reason as to why it’s happening as a result of IP and patents. I mean they’re just laying it on thick, too! Listing all the piracy sites you can go to just to say “fuck you” to these parasitic industries. Yeah, paint a big ass target on these sites while you’re at it.

Look, I get it. It’s becoming vastly more evident as time moves on that the days of being able to enjoy a game or a movie without strings attached that completely castrate the quality and enjoyability of said movie or game… those days are quickly coming to an end. And while it may be addictive (and in all candor, justifiable) to lay all the blame at the feet of capitalist corruption of entertainment corporations, we share half of that blame, or at least a large segment of it. A lot of what we are going through in the landscape of entertainment hinged upon our overwhelmingly consentient response to the features of the internet. Instant gratification is our most damning vice, and we must be willing to own it. Instant gratification urged us into craving and demanding DLC which may or may not be planned ahead of release schedule. Instant gratification drove us toward service based platforms that can instantly take away what content you want to see at any given moment for any given reason. Instant gratification promoted microtransactions for basic things such as being able to get through a game faster, thus basic features are dangled on a stick like a carrot.

Our impatience has caused a vast majority of the problems we face now in the sphere of entertainment, gaming especially, thus we would have to be incredibly foolish to assume we cannot take any responsibility in what has transpired. We consented to many of the problems we have because we (the older generation of gamers) had no patience or self control. We wanted things faster. We wanted things faster. We didn’t want to wait years for a sequel in order to get new characters, modes, or features. We wanted online multiplayer even if it didn’t make sense for every game in existence because we had to satisfy our egos of “owning” people online, claiming dominance, and displaying our victory on youtube for the world to see. Our egos and hyper individualist gratification has played a major role in the entertainment landscape we have today.

It’s important to state this before anything else because the idea of piracy as both a protest and as a method of archival has gained traction in the last few months. Rest assured, I am not against piracy in and of itself. Hell, without piracy, I wouldn’t have been able to watch a good chunk of… anything because of the iron grip that entertainment companies have over their archives, holding onto shit for years incase an opportunity arises to make some short term cash off of it. Entertainment companies are pretty evil, and the lengths they have to to make money are equal parts annoying and anti-consumer. There is no arguing that. There are videos everywhere detailing what these bastards have done to pervert the landscape in which we are restricted to enjoy anything from using patents to remove any semblence of competition (tis why it’s impossible to make anything better than Photoshop because Adobe owns the patents to whatever it contains) to using copyright to steal public domain ideas and keep others from using them either. (like Disney seems to be doing with Loki and the Little Mermaid). Piracy is a grand “fuck you” to the entertainment industries.

But I know people too well.

A lot of people will use this sort of “momentum” to just steal anything they want without stopping. There was a story I read years ago about a “humble indie bundle” or something of the sort where a group of indie devs (I can’t remember their names) would offer up a pack of games for any price you set. Any price, that includes a mere fucking penny. You could pay anything you wanted. And… well… people stole that bundle outright anyway. When you have a situation where the price of $0.01 is too much for people to pay, you have a problem. What this means is that the indies, the little guys who tend to get crushed by parasites like EA, will NOT be excused from the equation, and that’s where the problems will arise.

Things like Sonic Omens where the creator gets money off of it (don’t know all the details myself), I don’t mind too much. Sega is NOT a good company. They have screwed their fans AND staff so many times in the past and present that what little cash Omens made is not nearly enough for me or anyone else to cry over. That money SHOULD go to someone who’s willing to make the goddamn effort. People (on Sonic Twitter, of course) panicked over this because they were scared of no longer being favored by Sega. They saw how Nintendo was (and still is) hyper policing their own fans for games that DON’T make money, and felt they had some peace of mind from Sega. So naturally, they see Sonic Omens as a threat because that means Sega would likely follow in the same path if only to prevent another Omens from happening. I’d see that as a blessing and a curse. It means someone else would get the money they deserved, and not scumbags like Sega. But that’s neither here or there. Sonic Omens is a very gray area thing because on the one hand, you have something illegal going on, and on the other, it’s illegal toward a company that routinely screws people over, so it’s difficult to sympathize or care.

But that’s the thing. The money should go to someone willing to make the effort. Most indies nowadays are making better games. They’re not overly artistic, intricate or as pretentious like they used to be. They’re still working on the kinks of being fads (like the First Person Horror games modeled after FNAF, or the 8bit platformers), but there is evidence that they are at least learning to go against the big dogs of the entertainment industry. To that, I say they deserve at least SOME support.

This is where the piracy line needs to be drawn. People in general don’t want to pay for anything, and if they can get something for free, they will take it. The indies who DON’T have the capacity, intelligence, or desire to abuse their customers will NOT be excused from anyone’s desire to get things for free. That’s where a line has to be drawn. People who are going on a crusade against the industries and are promoting piracy as a pure “take that” against these industries have yet to consider where the lines have to be drawn. These people who are talking like this are “probably” well intentioned people who have had enough of the standard industry bullshit who want to get back at them, but their followers are likely to see these kinds of messages as “enablers” telling them that it’s ok to steal anything because it’s being done under the veil of “justice and striking back at the corrupt industries.” The indies will be caught in the crossfire, and they will suffer more than the big leagues because they don’t have a whole lot of avenues to make money from, nor do they know how to make money that is almost non-taxable like the billionaires do. If there is no distinction between the indies and the industries, you would be doing more harm than good.

Second of all, piracy is not a one size fits all answer to the problem at hand. The industries do everything they can to curb competition and replicants. They barely do anything to stop piracy, at least not to the extent of the other 2. That should clue you in on something. Piracy will not change anything. Competition will. The people who proclaim and extol piracy are still in a way supporting the very industries they despise by encouraging people to STILL GET THINGS FROM THEM! You encourage people to pirate the live action Mulan film because of ridiculous paywalls. Guess what? Those same people will now discuss that movie on a podcast and give attention to it, making their listeners go through the paywalls to get the movie itself. Disney still gets the money, attention, and influence one way or another. If anything, piracy is a risky method of promotion as it requires no work on their part to do it. What you should be doing is finding ways to take attention away from them. This is an area that people are LESS likely to go through because that requires actual work. Piracy requires little to none. You just a hoop and jump through it to get things for free. Actually creating something to get people off of someone else’s shit is hard. You actually have to give people an alternative of equal or better quality. If not that, just being good enough.

You see, people aren’t going to do this because “well, Disney or so and so are too popular and too influential, we’ll never be able to reach their level of popularity”. Well, not with that attitude. Sorry if this sounds like Bootstrap bullshit, but the numbers of 3D platformers that came out around the 90s wouldn’t have existed if people thought “well we can’t compete with Nintendo because Super Mario 64 is just too darn popular”. Yeah, and Croc didn’t sell as well if not more so than Banjo-Kazooie (thanks Bucko). Shit, we wouldn’t have Ratchet and Clank today of people thought like that. Or SNK’s fighters.

It’s just frustrating, you know? How do you grow up in a hyper-individualistic, hyper competitive society such as a America, but then have so little self-esteem to the point that you assume you cannot make anything better than Disney? Sure, you might not be AS SUCCESSFUL as them, but hey, you might get success at all! It boggles my mind! I hear this shit all the time. “Oh you can’t compete with Black Panther, it made billions!” So what? If I or anyone else makes something as good or better, I guarantee they won’t make a billion next time without cooking the books! We are so defeated as people that we don’t believe we can make any sort of difference or change, and we can pretty much thank the 1% for this. Fostering a society of hyper-individualism that thwarts any progress or shift in the system by encouraging the common people to fight each other over scraps. No, instead, our only means of “fighting the power” comes from piracy, ain’t that a bitch!? People have said for years that piracy doesn’t cost them money, what the fuck do you think piracy is going to do for you? You’ll get free shit, sure, but it won’t fuck their money!

Then again, Mega Upload got fucked over years back, so who knows…