Quick question. Why is it that Mario fans can take a dump on New Super Bros. for being shallow and praise Mario Galaxy for it’s production values, story, and all, but the minute you speak against Sonic being gay, it’s all about the gameplay?

Matter of fact, what does Mario succeeding on gameplay have to do with turning Sonic into a homo? Perhaps Nintendo should make Mario gay and see how far that goes. Throw established lore out the fucking window with Mario being in love with Peach just so he can slurp on Wario’s balls or whoever. That good? He’s already eccentric, dressing up like kitties and shit, he’s halfway there! Because you know, content doesn’t mean shit to Nintendo fans… wait, wasn’t there a game called… TOMODACHI LIFE…. where Nintendo fans… TURNED AGAINST NINTENDO FOR ONCE IN THEIR MISERABLE LIVES…. to push for a gay marriage option in the game? Funny, when said homo was complaining about the lack of a gay option, the NINTENDO FANS didn’t tell homo to shut the fuck up and worry about the gameplay of Tomodachi Life. They took the side of the homo… FOR CONTENT!!!! Gameplay didn’t mean shit at that time. Nintendo fans care about content, otherwise they wouldn’t have spent a decent amount of time in the last few months trying to prove that Mario has a fucking lore over Twitter. That it has cool concepts which gets buried under a pile of talking points to troll Sonic fans for 20 years.

Mario sells without focusing on content, good for fucking Mario! Not every video game franchise is that lucky! Don’t believe me, look at the vast majority of indie games in the depths of absolute fucking obscurity that follow Miyamoto’s bullshit philosophy. Resident Evil has had shitty gameplay for a while, but no one gave a shit! They cared about something MORE than gameplay! You had horror! You had tension! You had lore! There is a LOT of shit that makes Resident Evil interesting that goes beyond gameplay. RE5 and RE6 improved the gameplay by leaps and bounds by making the combat not shit, and that’s fine, but it wasn’t Resident fucking Evil. Compare that to how well received the Revelations games, RE7, AND RE2 were. You had the gameplay improvements (and downgrades), but they were legit SCARY!! You can make the gameplay great all you want to, if it’s not scary, it’s not fucking Resident Evil! Games are important to people beyond the gameplay.

It’s astonishing. That post had jack shit to do with discussing gameplay, and for some reason, this jackoff barrels into the discussion talking about why Mario succeeds. If we’re being completely honest, Mario remains relevant for the same reason Halo is relevant. Nothing else was good at the time. Thus, they’ve solidified themselves as icons in the industry. But you notice, as soon as Nintendo starts getting some competition, they start getting the shit kicked out of them. Right now, Mario games have no competition. No one is TRYING to compete with Mario. Back in the console wars, Sega (of America) knew they had to compete because Nintendo had the entire market.

And they were tearing into their asses!

Nintendo Fans call it juvenile marketing, but it worked! People were buying Genesis’s for a good while, which solidified Sonic as an Icon. Sonic remains a symbol that despite the odds, you can succeed beyond all reasonable doubts. *sighs* that also includes that shitshow movie. There was reasonable doubt for Sega to gain any foothold in the gaming market, but they were taking wins! So much so that Nintendo made a bitch move to try and sue Sega over Mortal Kombat, trying to appeal to soccer moms via morality and purity, and that blew up in their faces. Maybe that’s what is meant by “insecure masculine ego“, Sega definitely appealed to REAL MEN while Nintendo was literally appealing to PUSSIES! MK1 was censored because their audience was filled to the brim with PUSSIES! That’s probably why Nintendo is dominating because feminism has taken hold of the western world and turned everyone into PUSSIES! Also, in the 90s, masculinity wasn’t under attack like it is today. So yeah, they could get away with it.

That being said, I’m starting to really question why Mario fans feel this obsessive need to barge into Sonic fans discussions or posts and go on these long winded lectures about what Mario does right and what Sonic does wrong. The shit I’m talking about has nothing to do with Mario. But maybe that’s a cry for attention. Maybe Mario fans feel insecure about the fact… that even in it’s degraded state, Sonic is STILL more interesting… than Mario. You can actually have a discussion about Sonic as a series. It’s lore, it’s characters, the debates about what goes into it and what doesn’t. Sonic’s material invokes PASSION… within it’s audience. Mario has jack shit. Mario games outside of Mario Kart are just throw away games. People habitually buy them, praise them for a while, and then they’re just forgotten. You throw em into pile or shelf, probably show it off for a youtube channel, and then you dump it for something that’s actually worth your time. Mario fans don’t really give a fuck about gameplay, otherwise they would not shit on NSMB. Period. Thing is Mario fans NEED Sonic to piggyback off of because you have no reason to talk about Mario otherwise. There’s nothing there. Mario Odyssey, what’s it about? Oh, Bowser wants to marry Peach again, and Mario has to go and save her again. Whoopty fucking do! That’s a wet fart in the wind. See, I can actually go back… and play SA2 again. Sonic CD. Sonic Unleashed. Shadow the Hedgehog, EVEN fucking Forces. AND… people actually want to talk about these games because they’re fucking interesting! Mario, people just buy them because it’s Mario. But a single game has no lasting appeal beyond 1 or 2 playthroughs.

And damn sure, Sonic doesn’t need spinoff rpgs just so it’s fans can prove it has an interesting lore.

But hey, Mario games are doing well, and Mario fans should take solace in that. That’s great! Success is great. It’s fantastic! So… why do Mario fans lack the capacity to shut the fuck up? When the object of your fandom is doing well, you shouldn’t have to point that out all the goddamn time. Especially in a discussion that has jack shit to do with Mario. You see, Tekken fans, from what I’ve seen…. they don’t have to shit on other fighting game franchises (except maybe DOA because Itagaki) to let people know that Tekken’s hot. They’re pretty comfortable with that fact, and don’t have to go out of their way to prove it. Resident Evil fans also don’t have this issue. They are fucking comfortable with their success. Mario fans, for some strange reason, are…. psychotic when it comes to their success! They have an obsessive need to take a dump on Sonic games (exclusively). An obsessive need to compare. An obsessive need to uplift the object of their fandom at the expense of ours. Why is that? Likely trolling, as always the case. Or it could be the insecurity over the fact that Sonic is actually worth talking about, meme fuckery or otherwise.

I mean… goddamn, you know Mario is fuckin up when people think Sonic being kissed by Elise is far more interesting to bring up and reference for OVER A FUCKING DECADE… than one… single… Mario game. You know them Mario fans are thinking “Son of a BITCH! This is supposed to be the WORST Sonic game ever, but people won’t stop talking about it! Mario Odyssey broke sales records, why isn’t that being discussed!?” And that’s sad. Mario is only important to the extent that you can attach yourself to it, and then hold it over other people and say “look at me, I’m a fan of this successful franchise over here, that makes ME better than you!“, it’s this vicarious ego boost that Mario fans are all about. They don’t really care about the quality or game design, they just use it to fuel their egos. That to me is real insecurity, you have to use a video game to pump yourself up rather than to actually enjoy it.

Willing to bet the majority of Mario fans can’t even recall the names of each world in Super Mario 64 without looking at a wiki.

But naw, this shit was triggered because I used the word “faggot”. That’s fine. Get mad! I’m letting you know right there that I don’t want you creeping that bullshit into Sonic. You already have Last of Us, Battlefield (the same franchise that diminished the Harlem Hellfighters, btw), you even got Trini from Power Rangers for fuck’s sake, and all the best options in Mass Effect. You even bullied Nintendo into giving you a gay option in Tomodachi Life. You made Ice Man gay. You have Wiccan and Hulkling, and Batwoman. You have plenty of newer franchises coming out with gay shit in it. You…. do not…. ever…. need to go… to an older franchise… and transform the main character… into… a….. FAGGOT! There is no good reason for it. None whatsoever. And if we’re being honest, that would go against creator intent anyway. Sonic was intended to have a hetero love interest before the first game came into existence. Everyone knows about Madonna’s ass. There was intent to create another one, Tiara Boobowski, since Sally could barely squeeze in a game appearance. But everyone was on the same page. Sonic is fucking STRAIGHT! “Oh but he’s never had an active romance within the games“, nevermind 06 which shipped the hell out of Sonic and Elise. The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence. What, you gonna say Shadow’s gay too? His creator ships him and Maria (which in itself is fucking creepy, but eh).

Lets just stop the dance for a minute. Gay people saw the success of the Sonic movie, and now they want to use the newfound relevance of Sonic as a springboard to push homosexuality onto CHILDREN. Strictly about increasing their dating pool for the future. That’s it. I’ve said it before, they are opportunistic jackasses who see everything in the world as a tool to push their own agenda. Sonic as a franchise has been deranged enough as it is, it does NOT need this bullshit. Every time you get a gay ANYTHING, it’s celebrated like the second coming. Trini from the Power Rangers movie was a SHIT character, but the mere implication of her having a habit of doing the scissor dance was enough to get praised in articles online. Tangle and Whisper are unappealing characters outside of their sexuality, and people were on a tear about Tangle wanting to fuck Blaze for a hot minute. This has nothing to do with the quality of these characters, and everything to do with this push. Everyone says the same thing in regards to gays. “It’s fine so long as you keep it away from me“. Gay people DON’T honor that at all. They (or their media supporters) have this obsessive need to inject their lifestyle into everything that has a pulse, electronic or otherwise. And I’m sick of it. If you actually enjoyed the series, you would not push for a change in it. You only do that if you see a PROBLEM! Sonic being straight is not a problem! Unless the image of straight people is problematic for you. Then who’s really insecure?

And…. where the hell did we get this idea that being open to the idea of Sonic being gay is “manly“? What the fuck? Like… the “GAY COMMUNITY” can dictate masculinity or some shit. Maybe that phrase has some meaning to it. “Those who can, do. Those who can’t, teach“.

He loves da pussy, and don’t you forget it!

And no, Asia, this isn’t directed at you.